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Please critique bluntly !!!!! again


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Beautiful children, fascinating traditional clothing, horrible photos. Two out of

three ain't bad.


The beauty of your children and their dress is utterly destroyed by the hideous

on-camera flash. This resulted in dull, boring, flat frontal lighting and the ugly

harsh shadows of to the sides. You might also want to find a more interesting

backdrop for your photos.


Try it again only this time place them near a window and use natural side-

lighting. Or take them outside into "open shadow" to take some kiddy pics. If

you absolutely have to take shots inside the house with flash, learn how to do

"bounce" lighting or balance bounce and ambient lighting.


So do please try it again. Your children deserve it. And I look forward to

seeing the results.<div>006O0m-15096884.jpg.521d92d8ed05e694fdeb606e29b2e2ac.jpg</div>

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These pictures probably carry no merit with anyone but yourself. Sure the dresses are nice looking, and so is the kid. But the photos are just average photos of your kids stuff. Nothing really to critique here.... if you had no kids, what would you photograph?



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If you are to use flash, learn to tame it. A diffuser is a good start. Also learn to dial it

down a little bit when shooting close like this. Rely on a bit more ambient lighting

and let the flash do the fill work. This can be accomplished even in darker situations.


The example I've posted here was shot in a dingy and dark bathroom in the basement

of a church. The Bride was waiting to start the ceremony when she candidly revealed

this pose. Flash was used with a LumiQuest soft diffuser on the flash head.<div>006O4a-15098984.jpg.d29ed3ecc98024be2e60b3b0b53ea5eb.jpg</div>

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Here are your photos with some very slight improvements (AutoLevels and

AutoColor in PS and tighter cropping) that bring the shots up to at least

reasonable snapshot standard.


I would think that one big lesson here is that a "hot" camera does not equal

"great" (or even just "good") pictures. Honestly, if all you really want is

pictures of your kids, I would seriously recommend that you sell the Leica and

buy a good Point and Shoot digital.<div>006OHq-15102584.jpg.8cb9d4bb85f7db6f5372321a2241fcf9.jpg</div>

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Having spent so much money on his equipment, it might be better if the digicam offered him a way to learn to use his Leica R better, don't you think?


I'd look into picking up a cheap "obsolete" DSLR, like the Olympus E10 or E20. You can use it as a P&S if you want, but you can also shoot it like a manual SLR. You can experiment with different compositions and exposures, and get near instant feedback. You can learn a lot about photography by fooling around with it, and the skills you develop will transfer to the Leica R for those shots that you really want to keep.

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