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100mm or 180mm macro lens with D60?


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I am sorry, I should have added this question to my previous one. But

here goes:


I am about to get my first DSLR: the D60. I'd like to know if it

makes sense to get the Canon 180/3.5 macro (or the Sigma equivalent)

with the 1.6 crop factor of the D60? The DOF will be very small

already at 180 mm, especially at wider apertures (use of flash to

improve?), so is it better to get the 100mm instead (yielding an

effective focal length of 160)?


I will be shooting butterflies, other insects and small flowers.



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Gerry, I realise that of course. But due to the crop factor of the D60 the effective focal length is already long in case of the 100mm. The 180mm will even turn in an effective 290mm....yielding a DOF of nanometers...:-)
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I don't think your assessment about DOF is correct. DOF is a function of focal length, focus distance, and aperture setting. The 1.6 crop factor is not actually increasing your focal length of your lens.


Let's look at an example. Suppose you have two prints of the same slide. The first is an 8x12. The second is a 16x24. Both are full frame prints. Since they are both from the same slide, they both have the same DOF. Now what the 1.6 digital crop factor is actually doing is similar to cutting an 8x12 section out of the middle of the 16x24 print. You now have 2 8x12 prints. However, the "cropped" print looks like it was taken with a longer lens. It wasn't though. Also, the DOF is also the same in both prints.

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