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Are there any women using M?


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Hi Noddy,

This type of thread appears from time to time. I assume (because last time this thread was posted and received some answers from women) that women would prefer to read rather than write on the forum. I myself read and the majority of the time don't think that some threads warrant an answer (in the nicest possible way). I don't agree that the 'M's' are a guys toy, more that women prefer to play rather than to compare and discuss their toys. For your information though I will discuss my toy (just to quote one thing and do another). I have an M2 with a 35, 50 and 90 lens with 3 filters (for B&W)in pretty good condition. All were purchased in 1956 or 1957. It also has a light meter that doesn't function correctly. Like someone else on this thread I prefer black & white and develop my own in the darkroom. Mostly using Ilford film and Ilford paper, occassionally though I do use some Agfa and Kodak.



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"Is it because she is a German or was the M a freebie from Leica? "


She got it from Wallace Heaton when they weren't a trade name for Dixons. And it's been featured on a stamp (it's a M3 with an MC meter mounted).


I know, it's truly sad that I know such things but what can I say? My mind's a ragbag of trivia...

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Well, it's what I use. Personally, I try to think about our 'first family' as just another ghastly Soap Opera that I need to avoid on the TV.


My M3 with MC works a treat but then, I have German ancestors too :-)

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