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Film choices for retina 2c

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I am going to start using a retina 2c which I used with much success

35 years ago, but I am trying to figure out how to set the film

speed dial with some current color and black and white films.


The dial just lists Plus X/Super XX, Kodachrome A, etc. Can anybody

translate these into any of the better current film (with asa

speeds) available?




Rob L.

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Kodachrome was ASA 10 in daylight. Kodachrome-A was for tungsten; with an ASA of 16 for 3400K tungsten bulbs; like BBA's; and ASA 10; in daylight; when the correction filter was used. Plus-X was ASA 50; and Super-XX 100 in Daylight. This is early 1950's ASA'S. Use the Super-XX setting; and todays ASA 100 print film; asa a start. Our Retine IIIc has ASA numbers on its meter; does yours; or is it just a guide; with no meter?
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The dial on the IIc is just a film reminder, for your benefit, and doesn't affect the operation of the camera in any way. It's a totally manual exposure camera ... you'll need to refer to a separate hand-held meter, or the exposure guide that comes with your film, for the appropriate exposure settings.
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