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Drive By Ratings


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I've noticed that the requirement to post a comment when giving

ratings of 1,2 or 7 has been dropped. This has led to perhaps more 7s

being given, but it has also led to an increase in drive by ratings

with 1s and 2s. Without comments they do nothing to help improve

photography. I'd appreciate a return to the former policy.


Jon Slater

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In fact, I'd do more to encourage helpful comments generally. Although I'm a relative newcomer to photo.net, I have posted a couple of photos (one today, in fact) that I knew would receive justifiably lower scores than some of the accomplished work on this site. The point was not to see how low it could go; the point was to hear how others thought the photo could (assuming it could) be improved. After all, the process is called a "critique."
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Steve: I love Photo.net. This site has great people and is a wonderful source of information. But the rating system on Photo.net is a complete joke. It's of absolutely no help--unless of course, you're looking to have your ego stroked or shattered.


Personally, I'd like to see the rating system done away with, leaving only the comment portion active. But the last time some guy mentioned doing away with the rating system he was tersley was told not to bring up the subject as it would never happen.


What we need to do is cherish those few jewels of informative critiques, be understand of those (like me) who have minimal skills but try to offer comments, and ignore the childish jerks who never learned to play well with others.

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A few ratings by themselves don't mean much.

But I think it's still a good tool to filter out the best photo's on this site. Usually the really interesting shots are rated more often & higher than the "normal" stuff which makes it easy for a computer to find & show these photo's for you.


Next to helpful critique, looking at the top-shots is for me a good way to learn about photography.

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Sorry to bore you, Lex. Hope springs eternal when it comes to photo critiques on the web. Yes, Photo.net looked promising. Although it remains a valuable yet inexpensive place to display ones photos, and to view the work of others, it will never be a place to receive meaningful critiques. Of course in my brief stay here there have been exceptions. Thank you again for those. And it's nice simply to get compliments. Thanks again for those too. As for the rating system, it's worse than useless -- it's a farce. Perhaps if there were some way to opt out of the numbers game (besides ignoring it as I believe many of us do), the system would not engender such animus. And that would leave plenty of time for more interesting topics.
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