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Proper direction or an illuminate assist line (SB-22s)


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Until yesterday everything was right...:) <br>

Last night I checked camera before work and unintentionaly pointed my

F90x with hot-shoe attached SB-22s in to the grey wall. Distance from

camera to wall was 0.6- 0.8m.

Although focus quickly achieved, I noticed that part of the wall

which illuminated was not fall on centre of the frame in viewfinder,

but little above (as shown in pic.). <br>

Please, can you explain, this is normal or not? <br>

Thank in advance and sorry for bad English.

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Subject "Proper direction of..." <br>

Thanks Steve for quick response! <br>

Yes, I was too close to the subject <br>. I just checked, If distance to subject 1,5 and more, illuminated part was right at center! <br>

Too feared that camera or flash was wrong :-)

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