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4x5 and 8x10 together

bob haight

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Yes! I have a Canham 8x10 light weight and carry around the 4x5 back. I try to work exclusively in 8x10 but sometimes it isn't possible. Last weekend while exploring the Thomspon and Similkimeen valleys in the interior of BC (it's a province in Canada for those of you who didn't know) I exposed 3 8x10s to 7 4x5s. The reason why I shot the 4x5s was because I didn't have the lens to get it on 8x10. I can't afford an 8x10 enlarger (trying to build one at the moment) so until then I can only contact. The 4x5s get enlarged. Once I get the 8x10 enlarger up and running (problem is light source) I'll most likely retire the 4x5 back. My back will welcome it!
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