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OT -- HELP -- Photoshop Elements

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Henry, I am not familiar with PS Element, but psd is a PS format file. Try to open it with file selection (Open as...) as psd., you may get lucky. Otherwise, you can choose to send them to me, and I will see if I can convert them to jpeg file for you. Good luck.
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Why not try to open the file with another application? on my mac I can open

psd files with PREVIEW, (windows will probably have something similar). If

the file opens then you know the problem lies with Photoshop, which I

suggest you reintall.

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Henry, the .psd formats advantage is that you can save all your work History, along with the image, so at a later date you can go back and alter any of the parameters. Normally your History for each image saved as say a TIFF is deleted when you close the Photoshop application. This is a useful tool, so naturally it doesn't get put into the slimmed down and cheaper Elements.
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Thanks Mecagoentó.

I was fighting with the psd file and just cannot open it. It gave me a blank page instead and yet when I exit, it asked me whether I want to save it. Did you just open it in the "file" menu ? I use PS EL2 running under Window 2000

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