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bellows for Arca Swiss 4/5 to 6x9front


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I'm purchasing a bellows for a 4/5 to 6x9 front new model Arca Swiss

and my question is whether the regular bellows will suffice for wide

angle work using only rear tilt. I've got a 45mm rodenstock, 135mm

and will hopefully add a 210mm soon. Im hoping for one bellows does

all ... :)

Willl the regular work with the 45 (albeit limited movement) or not at




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I own an older Arca Swiss with 4x5 to 4x5 bellows and using normal bellows with 65mm and the deep recessed lensboards (which aren't made anymore) is difficult, but very do-able. My guess is using a 45mm without WA bellows would be near impossible.


In fact the specs I see at Bhphoto for a 4x5 F-Line "Field" Monorail Camera list 55mm as the minimum extention with WA bellows AND a 13mm recessed lensboard.

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I also have the same Arca as you, and have both standard and leather "bag" bellows (its not like those balloon types, its nicely pleated) . I strongly recommend using the leather bellows. It will get you from your 45mm to the 210mm with ease. Anything longer you will need to switch to the standard. Just be warned that you will never remove the leather one once you feel the smooth texture, experience luxurious leather smell, and it's classic good looks. To answer your question, it should work for only rear tilt. I wonder if your coverage might be compromised with those movements on such a short lens.
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