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IBM microdrive died

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Hi Blake..Whining in a hard drive is usually a " bearing " related noise..of the spinning disc media platters.


If you can tolerate the " noise " ; there's software that can " actually " access the drive and get around the " bad areas at the front end of the beginning of the drive."


These programs are able to " see that the " original places on the drive's media recording surfaces are " damaged " and " un-useable ".


Then the programs " can if there's a chance " ; create/move to a different spot on the drive...


For example..drive starts track 0..ends at track 200..If the tracks "0-24" are damaged the software can allow you to MAKE a new point to create the partiton say beginning NOW at track 25 and upwards.


Not sure if I am " allowed " here to post a suggestive software by name or not...? I have used "Disk Manager" software ; often there's an exact version made to be able to work on each manufacturer's drives..for ex.. Seagate ; Western Digital..etc.


Not sure what's available in the IBM realm of things.


Hope this info helps....and as the other posters stated ; Blake ; the drive's on it's " last leg " so to speak...


Might pop it into a card reader and utilize the drive for storage backups but...it's failing...Ed~ USA-NY

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