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New "Leica" Digital

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Digital makes me bothererd:


"Venus Engine LSI Generates the luminance signal of the primary color CCD using all three colors (red, green, blue) for improved diagonal image resolution, compared to conventional CCDs that use only one color (green) to do so, resulting in rich, expressive images. This LSI also handles image processing, LCD functions, and writing to the memory card concurrently, for an overall quick camera response."

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[also posted to the leica-users mailing list yesterday PM]


While searching for good Japanese webcam sites, I

accidently stumbled upon more info on the

Leica/Matsushita camera that everyone's been talking



Sannet Digital Camera Express story (in Japanese)



As translated via Worldlingo.com it reads:



01.Digital camera : Matsushita Electric Co. CETEC

JAPAN 2003 reference exhibition model DMC-LC1 detailed



Contribution person: Admin Contribution day and time:

2003-10-3 7:12:58 (49 hits)


- - The details regarding the sample only model


- - News release



The sample only model to the last is name foolishness,

but because body DMC-LC1 of the camera and it is, here

it makes DMC-LC1.

3 there are specifications which talk with news

release roughly.


¡¡1. Lens specification

¡¡2. 500 ten thousand pixel CCD+VENUS engines

¡¡3. Full manual manipulation such as ring/dial


¡¡Form of the camera has been similar to LEICA M type,

however the lens is thought as stationary type.


In inscription of lens "DC VARIO-SUMMICRON

1:2.0-2.4/7-22.5 ASPH.When "with it is, these

specifications, in addition size of the body, thinks

from the aperture of the lens, it is thought that CCD

of 2/3 types is adopted, the most realistic line is

thought as 2/3 type 500 ten thousand pixel class



¡¡As for zoom magnification ratio 3.To reach 2 times,

from 28 mm suitable 90mm. When you look at the lens,

the zoom ring and the focusing ring, manipulation of

all manuals has become possible to the contraction. In

addition the dial of shutter speed is provided on body

top, there is a place Matsushita development position

"full manual manipulation" as for the intention which

was spoken, simply manual exposure is possible and in

the sense that like the ¤Æ and conventional film

camera, is the camera which decides photographing

parameter in the form which does dial manipulation

realistically, photographs.


¡¡When you look at the dial of the contraction, there

is print of the F value 1 step mark, in addition as

for the shutter speed dial to 1/4 seconds 1 step mark

and 2-8s as for the part where you have written become

manipulation from the menu from 1/2000 seconds.

Because both contraction shutter speed, there is a A

position in the dial, there is no private dial, in

regard to exposure mode, but with combination of this

A position, it has become the shape which controls

program AE, shutter speed priority AE, contraction

priority AE and manual exposure. Because also

"AF-Macro" depends on the focusing dial, speaking

securely, also macro photographing is possible.


¡¡The body rear it could not see carefully, but the

flip liquid crystal and the like not to exist, usual

form. The optical finder not being found, in addition

the finder probably is view finder type from print of

the later mentioned button. The hole which is visible

in the optical finder is the sensor for phase

difference AF.


¡¡When you look at printing the button the rear,

"flash popup" "EVF/LCD" from "DISPLAY" "exposure

revision, the bracket, Strobo modulated light

revision" and a certain thing, after all as for the

finder it is found that it is the liquid crystal

finder and the combination of EVF. In addition on the

rear there is the layout "of RETURN and self-timer in

the" trash box button "and" dial equipped cruciform

key "dial equipped cruciform key". By the way, "single

copying and connected copying, there is a button and a

switch of regeneration" "photometry mode" "flash

setting" on body top.


¡¡ When you look at the terminal of the flash, is not

simple contact point type and it is thought that

because ¤Æ and 5 terminals are visible, the modulated

light possible private flash is lined up on camera

side. Also the built-in flash is provided, in the form

which was stuck on substance top, perhaps like

DMC-FZ1, is thought as the type which popup is done.


¡¡It downloads the enlargement data of the appearance

photograph from this


[area seemed to be restricted]



Linking to the associated Matushita press release

indicates that it's scheduled for sale in the spring

of 2004 (\?? They don't say)


The general look of the lens sure says "Leica" doesn't

it. The body looks a bit more Kyocera to me.


I'm thinking that my future eBay pix may have nice

bokeh after all!

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