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Dane-Elec CF cards, any good with a 10D?

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In the UK, Warehouse-Express are selling Dane-Elec CF cards 256mb for

£40. 1gb (in 4 cards) would obviously costs £160, exactly the same

price of a 1Gb microdive. I use a 10D, does anybody have any

experience of using these cards and know how they compare with

Microdrives and fast "pro"-spec cards?

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Not sure about that brand specifically, but I'm getting the impression that the days are numbered for Microdrives. For a long time they were the only way to get a decent amount of storage space in a small format. Now they are losing their price advantage to standard CF cards, and with the advent of 4Gb CF cards can't offer a size advantage either. Coupled with the fact that they are more delicate, and somewhat slower than a Pro type CF card, they really have little left to offer.


My point being, assuming Dane-Elec cards don't suck, you'd probably be better of with the 4 CF cards. Sure you'll have to swap cards every so often, but it also gives you two other advantages. You could be emptying one card while using another, and when something fails you've ony lost 25% of your space, not all of it.

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I bought my 10D from Warehouse Express and got a 256mb Dane-Elec CF card in the deal. My opinion is it is a bit slow. I bought a 256mb card from www.dabs.com from their 'value' range which was reasonably cheap, supposedly 20x and I will say it is very fast indeed.


I couldn't tell what brand the dabs card is, but it has an orange coloured label, has a picture of a fish on it and 'TwinMOS' written on it too. Made in Taiwan.


Good luck.

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