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venting, bitching - or maybe there is an answer after all?


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Sorry but there's an urge to vent so here goes. Lots of me's here.



They don't ever notice me. They think I'm either insignificant or

don't exist at all. I'm below their radar.<br><br>


So they won't make a camera for me. For me who never prints

anything, only web. For me who won't ever carry a camera that won't

fit in my pocket. For me who needs a full manual mode. For me who

shoots a lot during parties and other events/places where it's dark

and on-camera flash won't work. For me who cares a lot about picture



And yet they have all of the technology that's needed. <br><br>


Canon has CMOS sensors that can do ISO 3200 for my party shots. It

will only take one or two megabits of that stuff to make me

completely satisfied. <br><br>


It sure is not a problem to make an equivalent of 50/1.8 or even 1.4

fixed lens for that sensor. Yes it will have a huge DOF compared to

its 35mm equivalent, but I can live with that.<br><br>


It sure won't be a problem to put this lens in a camera of the size

of Digital Elph, and maybe even Optio S. <br><br>


It sure won't be a problem to add a couple of extra dials for

shutter speed, ISO and aperture, so that I won't be pissed each time

I have to change those via cumbersome menus.<br><br>


Am I really alone? Rare specimen? Did anybody try to hack some

existing cameras and put a different (better) lens in?<br><br>


So far I'm shooting with Minolta F100, which is the smallest camera

I could find that has a full-manual mode (that was a year ago).

Sensitivity, sharpness, manual controls are what you'd expect from a

cheap consumer camera - rather crappy. Size and weight are also not

exactly pocketable, but close. Jacket-pocketable would be a proper

term. In other words, it's far from what technology can offer these

days, but nobody wants to put all that technology in a package I

want. Bummer!<br><br>


-- PS: <a href="http://www.azazello.net/kicks/">here are some

results I've got so far</a>

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