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Minolta announces 4 more digicams : an update to a 7Hi with "anti-shake" something equivalent to IS

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I'm really impressed by the improvements over D7x series. Nikon and Sony will have a hard time competing with this camera in their next generation of cameras in prosumer range.<br>

about 70% of my disappointments about my d7i are now corrected in A1, only problem is that there is no sign of improvement in noise level. also the 30 second limit for long exp. has not changed.<br>

If A1 had usable ISO1600 and longer exposure time I was going to buy one upon coming out and forget about DSLR, but now I prefer waiting to see what comes out next ;)<br>

by the way, check <a href="http://www.dpreview.com/articles/minoltadimagea1/">Phil's detailed preview of A1</a> in DPReview.

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If minolta can make this thing focus at a decent speed and in low light, this would be one of the best cameras for the money. A little low light noise but in good light, the Dimage 7 line are great cameras. I am only speaking of my experience.
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I have been debating purchase of a 7Hi because of concern that the model 7's have been out for a long time, and I figured they would soon increase to something more than 5 megapixels. Guess it was a good thing that I waited. Let's see -- they announced the A-1 in August, it should be actually available in December, the price will drop $100 in late January or February, the software patches will come online in April, and they will announce the A-2 next July with a 9 megaixel chip. That sounds about right, doesn't it?
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<p>I agree with all your assertions except the 9 MP. I doubt if they would be putting 9MP anytime sooner than next fall or early 2005.

<p>As far as i can tell, the production of 5MP chips has reached a peak and they are not that expensive anymore, which enables more camera manufacturers to offer cheaper 5 MP cameras. 9MP would fall the same way, if there is a 9MP chip in the market, and i dont think there is yet.

<p>It will be a while for that to happen. The other alternative way is that the market will top off at 6MP, like the Fuji 7000, and then will approach unique lenses, like 8X, 10X, 12X zooms or wide angle zooms.

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<p>My assertion that it is not going to happen any time soon (and by soon i mean the time frame) is based on the premise that the chips are not cheap enough, not whether the chips can be produced at all.

<p>But then again, once they produce the chip , it eventually falls down in price over time.

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