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cleaning mirror FG


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Hi ..


I have a nikon fg .. there is sticky stuff on the mirror .. and

where the mirror comes up when fired .. the focusing screen.. that is

where the sticky stuff is coming from .. any suggestion on what to

clean this off with .. looks like foam .. gone liquid

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Hi, Don. Your mirror damper is bad and should be replaced. The sticky stuff on the mirror can be removed with a Q-tip and some naphtha or denatured alcohol. Use no pressure on the mirror...just work gently and let the solvent do the cleaning. If pieces of cotton lint remain, blow them off gently with your breath or use a soft artist's brush. If there is goop on your focus screen, it will need to be removed to clean it. Hopefully this isn't the case. Do not try to clean the focus screen while it is in the camera or get any solvent, liquid, etc on it. That isn't a good thing ever. As for replacement foam, you could go to E-Bay, search "by seller" and type in my ID...Interslice. For $6 & free shipping to the USA, I can send you a seal kit that will let you replace that damper cushion, the film door and hinge seal as well. Jon
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good advice so far.I'll add:Mineral turps i've found to be the best at disolving old foam goo where other stronger solvents have little or no effect.You will have to clean any remaining turps off with alcohol,etc because it doesn't evaporate.Ditto on being carefull with the focus screen.Not because it or the mirror are delicate but because fluids and screens sometimes do not mix.
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