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Oops - 11th frame on 6 x 7 120 - salvagable?

roger krueger

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I somehow bumped the 120/220 switch on my Mamiya Press 6 x 7 back at

some point during a roll of 120 (the pressure plate was correctly set

to 120.) Of course, after I had nailed the best, unreapeatable, shot of

the whole event I looked down and saw that I was on frame 11. I did

this once before and got about a half frame. My question is, do you

only get half of the 11th frame due to running out of film, or is it

exposed due to daylight processor loading? If this were hand processed

in the dark could I save this frame? Would a dip-n-dunk be better than

a roller processor in terms of saving this "extra" frame?

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In general, I believe you have no hope.


A 120 roll is a little more than 0.75m long. That gives about 10-1/2 6x7 exposures. What you get in the last frame depends, of course, on where you started. If you started at the normal place, i.e., with "the 1 showing through the window", so to speak, then I think you're probably cooked -- it would be like the 13'th exposure in 6x6.


Of course, when you process the film, don't cut it. When you separate the film from the backing, cut the tape off flush with the backing. (I've found that there's no problem even in the case where the tape is printed...). Then, you have the absolute maximum amount of film "saved". When you dry the film, use a carefully-placed clothespin at the bottom instead of a film clip.


Good luck!

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