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No Words/Words: My daughter's first cig


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BTW, Just how old is she? I know you wanted to make a disturbing picture to get a reaction from the members here, but your method of doing so is truly disgusting. If you ever stood by and watched a relative slowly die of cancer, you wouldn't think it was funny.


I also don't buy the excuse that "it must be a European thing". Reminds me of the matter of the mother from Switzerland who was visiting NYC about 8 years ago, and left her very young daughter strapped in a baby stroller on the sidewalk while she was inside a bar sucking down Heinekens. She was arrested and charged with child neglect. She made a big point of saying "In Europe this is done all the time!" "What's the big deal?" Well, she was found guilty, and recently she returned here to file a lawsuit against NYC. It went to trial, and just this past week the jury rejected her lawsuit. I guess things aren't so bad here after all, common sense won in court for once!

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Wow - photo.net seems to be a black hole sucking down all the common sense in the world. I smoke very strong Toscano Originale cigars and my daughter hates me for it (she is 8). But she still poses for pictures pretending to smoke one. It's just harmless fun.


Anyone who thinks that Ladislav's child was inhaling or even really smoking that cigarette needs to get a grip. But a sense of reality seems to be largely absent on this forum.

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Why not take some shots of your daughter holding a heroin needle against her arm? After all, she won't really be injecting it, and it'll all be just harmless fun, right?


I'm not going to lecture YOU because you're an adult and can make up your own mind. I also smoke a couple of cigars a month. But the combination of your smoking and the posing you do of your daughter sets a climate where she thinks it's perfectly natural and OK for her to start smoking some day. Most parents wouldn't wish that on their child.

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<B><I>smoking is the only socially acceptable form of suicide -- W G</B></I><P>Alcohol and excessive eating, both socially acceptable, cause more people to commit suicide. Make that a double, and super size my Big Mac meal!<P>In New York the taxes are ridiculous, a pack of cigarettes costs almost US $9.00, so most people I know buy them for $1.50 per pack through www.yesmoke.com which by coincidence is a Swiss site. Thank goodness for internet commerce.
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I guess it's more than a little hypocrtical to continue the veering from the photographically centered (that I disparaged earlier in this thread), but I'd like to point out that health issues are complex, and personal, emotional, attachment to a cause can often overwhelm other considerations, and perspective as well. Even if one never smoked, avoided all alcohol, resisted candy bars, was vegetarian, worked-out zealously, and imbibed only bottled water ....still, you'd not get out of this world alive. Obviously, there are risks associated with many things (some more obscure than others) - but they're all part of this bizarre, often sloppy, mix of things we call life. It's apparent that some are particularly vulnerable to the effects of certain dangers, while others live to great age unscathed. Yes, it may be wise to avoid everything that has been designated as a danger, but there is also the danger of making everything so safe, so sanitized, so "approved of", that the life (however long) might become a very sad and lackluster existence.
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<I>Yes, it may be wise to avoid everything that has been designated as a danger, but there is also the danger of making everything so safe, so sanitized, so "approved of", that the life (however long) might become a very sad and lackluster existence.</I><P>


Yes true... but only <B>adults</B> can make informed choices on what to do or not to do as far as a healthy life-style are concerned. That child is having a choice (and its future effects) thrust upon her.

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I agree, Albert, with the ideal of informed choices made by adults, rather than children. But I think Ladislav's intention was to be provocative and see what varieties of reactions his image would elicit - I rather doubt that the obvious interpretations (of the image) reveal anything substantive about the real circumstances of the photo. I think he was wanting to see how many of us would react to the visual *message*, and how far we would run with it.
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Good lord, everyone lighten up a bit and don't be so predictably PC. No, I don't smoke, never have, never will, don't like it, am repulsed by the fumes, but am not an anti-smoking Nazi. We all know smoking causes cancer, but there's another cancer as insidious and dangerous to society as lung cancer: political correctness.
Jeffrey L. T. von Gluck
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When I was in High School; the medical doctors recommended that girls who wanted to reduce their weight should smoke. Their parents could get deeply discounted cigs on the local base; and even bragged about it; even if they were Medical doctors. In my mom's generation; cigs were called "Coffin nails". This was well before WW2. <BR><BR>The PC crowd has nicely ignored that tobacco was a known product that created health problems for 4 centuries. This goes way back to King James I in 1604:<a href="http://www.gospelcom.net/chi/HERITAGF/Issuenos/chl052.shtml">That the manifold abuses of this vile custome of Tobacco taking, may the better be espied, it is fit, that first you enter into consideration both of the first originall thereof, and likewise of the reasons of the first entry thereof into this Countrey. For certainely as such customes, that have their first institution either from a godly, necessary, or honourable ground, and are first brought in, by the meanes of some worthy, vertuous, and great Personage, are ever, and mostly justly, holden in great and reverent estimation and account, by all wise, virtuous, and temperate spirits: So should it by the contrary, justly bring a great disgrace into that sort of customes, which having their originall from base corruption and barbaritie, doe in like sort, make their first entry into a Countrey, by an inconsiderate and childish affectation of Noveltie, as is the trew case of the first invention of Tobacco taking, and of the first entry thereof among us. For Tobacco being a common herbe, which (though under divers names) growes almost every where, was first found out by some of the barbarous Indians, to be a Preservative or Antidote against the Pocks, a filthy disease, wherunto these barbarous people are (as all men know) very much subject, what through the uncleanely and adust constitution of their bodies, and what through the intemperate heate of their Climate: so that as from them was first brought into Christendome, that most detestable disease; so from them likewise was brought this use of Tobacco, as a stinking and unsavourie Antidote, for so corrupted and execrable a maladie, the stinking suffumigation whereof they yet use against that disease, making so one canker or venime to eate out another.

at the manifold abuses of this vile custome of Tobacco taking, may the better be espied, it is fit, that first you enter into consideration both of the first originall thereof, and likewise of the reasons of the first entry thereof into this Countrey. For certainely as such customes, that have their first institution either from a godly, necessary, or honourable ground, and are first brought in, by the meanes of some worthy, vertuous, and great Personage, are ever, and mostly justly, holden in great and reverent estimation and account, by all wise, virtuous, and temperate spirits: So should it by the contrary, justly bring a great disgrace into that sort of customes, which having their originall from base corruption and barbaritie, doe in like sort, make their first entry into a Countrey, by an inconsiderate and childish affectation of Noveltie, as is the trew case of the first invention of Tobacco taking, and of the first entry thereof among us. For Tobacco being a common herbe, which (though under divers names) growes almost every where, was first found out by some of the barbarous Indians, to be a Preservative or Antidote against the Pocks, a filthy disease, wherunto these barbarous people are (as all men know) very much subject, what through the uncleanely and adust constitution of their bodies, and what through the intemperate heate of their Climate: so that as from them was first brought into Christendome, that most detestable disease; so from them likewise was brought this use of Tobacco, as a stinking and unsavourie Antidote, for so corrupted and execrable a maladie, the stinking suffumigation whereof they yet use against that disease, making so one canker or venime to eate out another.</a><BR><BR>Many lawsuits today about tobacco are really about people wanting to win the lottery; and not about health. The Tobacco companies are a legal business; and its effects have been known for 400 years. Today lawyers have made billions of dollars; by distorting facts; for their personal gain. Their empire of cash is used to influence judges...It is absurd that a medical nurse recently claims to have never known the effects of tobacco; which was well documented 400 years ago. People today want to smoke; and also collect the "tobacco lottery"; by playing dumn. We covered the S. General's report in great detail in the early/mid 1960's. Maybe the next "rocket science" discovery is that gobs of sugar might be linked to tooth decay. Or maybe eating dozens of burgers and fires may make you fat.....Learn to follow the money trail; who is getting rich by the lawsuits. Here the "tobacco money" earmarked for helping poor old smokers; is mostly going to roads; goofy pork projects; and the state is scared if teh tobacco money should stop; they are addicted to the "hit" of the free cash; used to found pet projects.

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When I was in High School; the medical doctors recommended that girls who wanted to reduce their weight should smoke. Their parents could get deeply discounted cigs on the local base; and even bragged about it; even if they were Medical doctors. In my mom's generation; cigs were called "Coffin nails". This was well before WW2. <BR><BR>The PC crowd has nicely ignored that tobacco was a known product that created health problems for 4 centuries. This goes way back to King James I in 1604:<a href="http://www.gospelcom.net/chi/HERITAGF/Issuenos/chl052.shtml">That the manifold abuses of this vile custome of Tobacco taking, may the better be espied, it is fit, that first you enter into consideration both of the first originall thereof, and likewise of the reasons of the first entry thereof into this Countrey. For certainely as such customes, that have their first institution either from a godly, necessary, or honourable ground, and are first brought in, by the meanes of some worthy, vertuous, and great Personage, are ever, and mostly justly, holden in great and reverent estimation and account, by all wise, virtuous, and temperate spirits: So should it by the contrary, justly bring a great disgrace into that sort of customes, which having their originall from base corruption and barbaritie, doe in like sort, make their first entry into a Countrey, by an inconsiderate and childish affectation of Noveltie, as is the trew case of the first invention of Tobacco taking, and of the first entry thereof among us. For Tobacco being a common herbe, which (though under divers names) growes almost every where, was first found out by some of the barbarous Indians, to be a Preservative or Antidote against the Pocks, a filthy disease, wherunto these barbarous people are (as all men know) very much subject, what through the uncleanely and adust constitution of their bodies, and what through the intemperate heate of their Climate: so that as from them was first brought into Christendome, that most detestable disease; so from them likewise was brought this use of Tobacco, as a stinking and unsavourie Antidote, for so corrupted and execrable a maladie, the stinking suffumigation whereof they yet use against that disease, making so one canker or venime to eate out another.

at the manifold abuses of this vile custome of Tobacco taking, may the better be espied, it is fit, that first you enter into consideration both of the first originall thereof, and likewise of the reasons of the first entry thereof into this Countrey. For certainely as such customes, that have their first institution either from a godly, necessary, or honourable ground, and are first brought in, by the meanes of some worthy, vertuous, and great Personage, are ever, and mostly justly, holden in great and reverent estimation and account, by all wise, virtuous, and temperate spirits: So should it by the contrary, justly bring a great disgrace into that sort of customes, which having their originall from base corruption and barbaritie, doe in like sort, make their first entry into a Countrey, by an inconsiderate and childish affectation of Noveltie, as is the trew case of the first invention of Tobacco taking, and of the first entry thereof among us. For Tobacco being a common herbe, which (though under divers names) growes almost every where, was first found out by some of the barbarous Indians, to be a Preservative or Antidote against the Pocks, a filthy disease, wherunto these barbarous people are (as all men know) very much subject, what through the uncleanely and adust constitution of their bodies, and what through the intemperate heate of their Climate: so that as from them was first brought into Christendome, that most detestable disease; so from them likewise was brought this use of Tobacco, as a stinking and unsavourie Antidote, for so corrupted and execrable a maladie, the stinking suffumigation whereof they yet use against that disease, making so one canker or venime to eate out another.</a><BR><BR>Many lawsuits today about tobacco are really about people wanting to win the lottery; and not about health. The Tobacco companies are a legal business; and its effects have been known for 400 years. Today lawyers have made billions of dollars; by distorting facts; for their personal gain. Their empire of cash is used to influence judges...It is absurd that a medical nurse recently claims to have never known the effects of tobacco; which was well documented 400 years ago. People today want to smoke; and also collect the "tobacco lottery"; by playing dumn. We covered the S. General's report in great detail in the early/mid 1960's. Maybe the next "rocket science" discovery is that gobs of sugar might be linked to tooth decay. Or maybe eating dozens of burgers and fires may make you fat.....Learn to follow the money trail; who is getting rich by the lawsuits. Here the "tobacco money" earmarked for helping poor old smokers; is mostly going to roads; goofy pork projects; and the state is scared if teh tobacco money should stop; they are addicted to the "hit" of the free cash; used to found pet projects.

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