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No Words/Words: My daughter's first cig


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The 1/2003 issue of Leica World had a picture of a very young Romanian girl smoking. I wonder when she first got here hands on a smoke? Not good Ladislav.


I often get the same feeling when I see parents taking their fat kids into fast food places here in America. When are we going to learn.

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Thanks Paul to make me discover the Ladislav site, it's really great.


Ladislav, I'd like to know why you decided to show this picture rather than another, if you wanted to shock our american friends, apparently you succeeded !


Concerning this image, I'd like it, because as the other pictures of Ladislav's web site, it shows peoples' true life. It happens that parents are behaving like that, and Ladislav show it... But I'd also like to know if the girl is really his daughter ???


What I don't like is that the girls look a bit forced to smoke. But we don't really know what is happening : it could be the father that make her smoking, but he could also trying to pick up the cigaret from her mouth as she was smoking in their back ;-)

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Yes, some of you are right. I wanted to stir the pot and see how much we differentiate between a moral issue and a photographic one. I put the picture in the Leica forum and most of you respond like lay priests not like photographers. By the way, the little girl had great fun showing off in that pose.
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"Yes, some of you are right. I wanted to stir the pot and see how much we differentiate between a moral issue and a photographic one. I put the picture in the Leica forum and most of you respond like lay priests not like photographers. By the way, the little girl had great fun showing off in that pose."


I'm sorry Ladislav, but what really did you expect? You started a ridiculous W/NW thread and expect a photo critique? Maybe next you could do a W/NW snuff photography.

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