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Large format Rodenstock / Schneider lens considerations


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I recently purchase a Graflex Super Graphic so that I can continue my

passion for black & white solely landscape photography. I am

considering picking a few lenses to complete my starter package.

Compared to 35mm and medium format there are relatively few objective

non mtf or other chart evaluations of large format lenses available

on the Internet. Most of the responses to question like this tend to

get responses that say look at the charts or comment that any of the

big 4 lense companies give good results or the question get responses

on lenses that were not asked to be evaluated. There also tends to be

responses that say that the lense worked great for them without a

critical comparison to other lenses which indicates that their

experience is limited to that specific lense in a vacumn. It would

really be helpful to have real world objective responses related to

the lense pairs below. For those of you that have a history with the

lenses from both companies at a certain focal length, I would like to

get your critical observations on the picture quality. If you have

used both lenses in the combinations below, please, please give me

your objective input. As an aside, if you really think that other

lenses critically outperform those listed below, please respond. I am

specifically looking for responses on:


Rodenstock Grandagon 90mm F6.8 vs Schneider Super Angulon 90mm F8

Rodenstock Sironar-n/s 150mm f5.6 vs Schneider APO-Symmar 150 f5.6

Rodenstock Sironar-n/s 210mm vs Schneider AP0-Symmar 210mm

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<I>"Rodenstock Grandagon 90mm F6.8 vs Schneider Super

Angulon 90mm F8"</I> neither. get the 90mm f/8 Nikkor SW.

Much larger image circle and excellent sharpness, contrast and


Well you won't like my answer for the next sets of either

"either/ors" but all are excellent performers as is the Nikkor W

line. You might also want to checkout <A HREF =

http://calumetphoto.com>Calumet Photographics</A>Caltar II

line of lenses. These are Rodenstock Grandagons and Sironars

at a substantial savings that are badged as Caltar II lenses and

are the same quality of the ones marked Rodenstock.

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I have two LF lenses, the Schneider Super Angulon 90/8 and Nikon 300/8. The 90/8 is SO DARK, it is very difficult to focus in low light and applying Scheimpflug, even with the Fresnel on. I suggest getting a more wide open 90mm (say 4.5) or the - from what I've heard- FABULOUS 110XL. However, among the 90/8's the widest circle belongs to Nikon - if you decide on a f/8, I would suggest the latter.
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I believe the Schneider 90/5.6 XL has the widest image circle...259mm, which, I think, is a conservative spec. It's a big lens (not compact at all). For a 150mm, You might also consider the 150/5.6 XL super-symmar. Although large and heavy, this lens, along w/ the 110XL super symmar, are the two aspheric offerings by Schneider. I have used the 110XL and own the 90XL and 150XL. Since you intend to shoot landscapes instead of architecture, I'd get the 110XL over a 90mm. I find the 90mm isn't as useful as the longer focal length lenses for landscape. I typically favor the 150-300mm lenses. For architecture, it's usually 90mm and 150mm. BTW, all my lenses are f5.6 except for the 300/9 Nikkor, which is comparatively dark. A 300/5.6 apo symmar would be much easier to focus and is a lot sharper, but is massive and pricey.


If I were choosing between the 150/5.6 apo symmar and apo sironar S, I'd get the apo sironar S (slightly larger image circle..makes a difference since 150mm lenses have tiny image circles already. Since I sometimes take shots w/ radical amounts of tilt, like 20 deg, I use the 150XL). I have the 210/5.6 apo-symmar...very sharp lens, rivals anything in medium format.

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