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Pushing Kodak Consumer Films

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'Pushing' is not truly possible with any film. With C41 films, you're messing up the three colour layers because the time has been worked out for all three layers to coincide.


Why do people insist on tryimng to push? If tomorrow Kidak announced a film with 10,000 ISO, someone would say 'Can it be pushed'? The sensitivity of any film is determined at manufacture.

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In Mar/Apr 2001 and again in Sep/Oct 2003, Ctein published tests of

C-41 push processing in Photo Techniques magazine. Quote from 2003:


Push-processing (a 50% increase in development time) worked equally

well with [NPZ, old NPH, and new NPH]. They gained about 1/2 stop

of shadow speed, about one grade of print contrast, and a considerable

amount of grain. Each shifted about 10CC to the yellow, but there was

little problem with color crossover.


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Bill Tuthill , oct 21, 2003; 11:14 a.m.

In Mar/Apr 2001 and again in Sep/Oct 2003, Ctein published tests of C-41 push processing in Photo Techniques magazine. Quote from 2003:


"Push-processing (a 50% increase in development time) worked equally well with [NPZ, old NPH, and new NPH]. They gained about 1/2 stop of shadow speed, about one grade of print contrast, and a considerable amount of grain. Each shifted about 10CC to the yellow, but there was little problem with color crossover."


In other words, not worth it. Most people believe they're gettting 2 or 3 stops more speed...t'aint so!

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The reason you push C-41 print films is to gain and extra stop or half a stop in exposure lattitude by sacrificing some grain and shadow detail for added midtone/highlight density. Portra UC, Supra 400, Fuji NPZ.....all are designed to be pushed. These films will do better *pushed* than under-exposed by the same amount, which is what thousands of professional photographers do on a regular basis.
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To answer your question why people insist on pushing film it's the same reason people overclock their motherboards and CPU's or saw the barrels off their shotguns. Personally I don't push. Although sometimes I may pull a b&w film by 1 or 2 stops.

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What a stupid analogy.


I wonder if Jay knows the number of professional photographers on a daily basis that push C-41 and E-6 films. Perhaphs he should enlighten them that they should really use amatuer C-41 films and not push.


I'm not even a full time pro, and even *I* have published images with pushed NPZ.

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FYI, you were reading more into what I wrote than what actually was there. I was not bashing anyone who routinely pushes their films. Nor did I advocate that they should stop doing it because I said so. I just don't do it too often because I don't find myself in situations where it's necessary. If I did I would do it more. In another thread on pushing I said I can't wait to try HP5 at 3200.

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