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Nikon collpix 5400 energy supply

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  I need advice for an additional energy supply for the cp 540o I'm

going to buy. As I'm going on vacation soon, I won't have many time to

estimate my energy need. Thus the question: what do you recommand for

vacations? Another battery or external power supply like the iPower,

would this source be usefull for an tripper as well?







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I just returned from a few days in London and then 2 weeks in Uganda with my 5400. It was the first time I had taken the camera as I usually shoot my D1 and/or D100 but I wanted something light and unobtrusive and so had purchased the 5400. I travelled with 5 batteries and found that I would go through up to 4 per day, so you may certainly want either multiple batteries or another external power source. I did a fair amount of shooting, perhaps more than you might on your vacation, but the camera tends to go through batteries fairly quickly, so beware.


Depending upon your shooting preferences for resolution, quality and file size, you'll also need plenty of memory cards and/or a way to download the images as they start to pile up. I use a Digital Wallet for my travels and it has worked well for me.


Hope this helps.

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I actually downloaded my trip pictures last night and I have to say that I'm fairly disappointed with the results. I found that quite a few had focus problems, and not just in low light. I'm sure that some of this is due to it being a new camera for me and not having much time at all before going overseas with it. Because I have both a D1 and a D100 and plenty of good Nikon glass, I won't be taking the 5400 with me again for once-in-a-lifetime trips.



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could you give more details on the points that disapointed you with the 5400. I was told that autofocusing was bad with the tele not the wide angle, do you confirm. Was the low-light lens a problem for you. Do you mainly use the wide angle or the tele. to my point of view the 5400 is more dedicated to wide-angle shots.


Sorry but I cannot provide any useful comments as my newly ordered coolppix will only arrive in 3 weeks (long delay, but it was the only way to get a 5400 for 510£ in Switzerland).




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I'm not sure I can add much more... but I found a significant number of shots were not as I expected. These had problems ranging from poor focus (in both good and poor light conditions), poor exposures (again, in both good and poor lighting conditions) and missed shots. The missed shots gall me the most as I tried everything I could to reduce shutter lag, but perhaps I'm just expecting too much compared to my D1 and D100.


On the other hand, I did get some quite nice shots with the camera, and I feel that there is probably a learning curve that one must go through to start to get more consistent results.


Hope this helps.



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