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Mid August, and chilly

Carl Stone

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I have some pictures from Glacier taken in February. Much like your picture, only without all of the detail. A picture of a pearl grey fleece blanket would be a dead ringer.


Well, I exaggerate. But the conditions were low fog and high clouds for very soft light and snow on the ground and trees and the lodge at the lake... so a yellow road sign wound up being the only evidence that color film was used.


Looks as if you had all the makings of a lovely time.

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A lovely time indeed, but much too short. Ever since I was a kid I've had a

fascination for Glacier Park, as I think it's the most beautiful park in the country. The

photo was shot on a hike that went from the top of the Going To The Sun Hwy, up

and back a couple of miles, to overlook a lake a few thousand feet below. Awesome

beauty, and abundant wild life, I also got some Rocky Mtn goats from close range.

However, I doubt that place could be accessed in February, or that I would want to try,

LOL. The green grass that you see only enjoys two weeks a year of growing, on

average. People are admonished to stay the trail and not step on the tundra, as it

usually doesn't survive that treatment.


One of the stranger sights was a photographer standing on the very narrow drop off

side of that highway as we traveled up hill from the west. He had a huge view camera

setup, and was very intent on a distant mountain. It scared me just to see his

precarious perch, as I would not have stood there for any reason, the drop was

several hundred feet. If my wife had of opened her car door on the passenger side as

we passed that guy it would have forced him over the edge. Now that is what I call

dedication. :o)

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