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Solar flares tonight


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As a result of a geomagnetic solar storm, the experts are predicting

some aurora borealis activity well south into the U.S. tonight around

11:00 P.M. local time. Since this is also the new moon, one might be

able to catch some flare activity doing a star trail photograph


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Hi Bill--


Don't know if anything showed up aurora-wise.


The best aurora shots I've done were seconds/minutes long, with minimum star trails. If they are longer, the sky brightness fogs the shot. Of course if you have very dark skies, this is not a problem.


The surface brightness of aurora is low, and thus they often look grey-ish to us (naked eye). On the other extreme, they often change structure in minutes, so much of the detail will be washed out with longer exposures.


Fast film at 1 minute exposures is a good rule of thumb. Wide angle. But I suspect you know this all well. Info for others.


BTW, the best aurora I ever saw was at 30,000 feet in a jet, many years ago. Green and blue curtains in front of a star-strewn sky. Even an astronomer was moved! But the pilot was not: when I pointed it out and suggest he get on the com to tell everyone, he thought passengers would prefer to sleep. There's a metaphor for you:-)

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"local time"? East or west US? I'm in California so would that be 8 PM here? There has been much activity recently, but most during the daytime (here) or in Southern hemishere... that's how it goes with auroras. SOHO predicts "minor" event, but who knows (I'll be looking North just in case)(South for you down under) The solar flares actually occur hours before the aurora activity (takes time to travel to Earth)
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