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developing 5 x 7 BW

bob haight

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Hi Bob,

I've used tanks with hangers for both 4x5 and 8x10, but only use trays now. At first I scratched some negatives, but after getting the feel for it, and relaxing, no problems. I like it because I don't have a very large darkroom, so using the same trays for film and prints saves alot of space. I usually process 3 to 6 8x10 negatives at a time, shuffling with emulusion side up, in HC-110, stop bath, fixer, rinse, perma-wash, final wash, photo-flo, and hang in the closet to dry.

Simple and fast. I just got a 5x7 reduction back for my 8x10, and will do the same for those negatives.

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Learning not to scratch the film is the cheapest way. Jobo tools are the most expensive. One thing you can do to reduce scratching is to clip the corners before processing, but still it is the way you move them around in the tray that is doing the harm. Play with a couple of sheets in the light and figure out what you are doing wrong. It is that simple.



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Bob, two very simple modifications in tray developing will almost eliminate scratching problems. 1) When you drop each sheet flat into the presoak trak, allow thirty seconds before dropping the next sheet. This gives the emulsion plenty of time to absorb the water. 2) Switch to Paterson 11x14 (I think they are called 12x16) trays and use plenty of solution. You won't be cramped.
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