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tom h.

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Anyone have a preference? if so, why? The oof version is the one

that's sold as a print in the past, the sharp one is right next door

on the negative strip, and is almost identical except for the five f-

stops it's closed down by.



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Tom - With these, I believe we would have to see the actual prints, rather than scanned items for the forum. There's too much depth, detail and contrast lost in the scanning and transmission process. With what's there, I like the first; however, the second indicates that there's still detail and contrast somewhere that could be missing on my monitor.
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Grant's answer is spot on, kinda cliche. His answer, not the photo you understand. Its far to easy to dredge up the word 'cliche' if your brain is empty of anything else to say. Where would the world of art be if people didn't acquire from previous generations and make things their own? So,I like the first version, less detail is more in this case. The brain can, and does, fill the rest in to identify the subject, leaving the eye to enjoy the shallow depth of field. But maybe that simple analysis is to complicated for some (coughGrant).
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Tom I prefer the OOF one. I dont actually like shots of cultivated flowers much but the key thing you said was... "that's sold as a print in the past"


So I say good luck to you and may you sell many more of them in the future. There are lots of photographic subjects that leave me cold but other people may love to look at. (And buy with any luck.)

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