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The Red Dog Saloon, Juneau, Alaska


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Hi, Bill, I think Sandy only meant to say that you need a caption for your uploaded photograph so it would display properly, that's all. Also, your image seems a bit large (247K) for the number of pixels being displayed. Are you pretty comfortable with the processing, or post processing of your image? It might be better to set the quality a bit lower so that the file ends up being smaller in file size. Images of this size shouldn't be any larger than 100K, if that. I'm on a 28.8K dialup (from home) and it took a long time to load.


Anyway, thanks for the photograph. Strangely, I've never been to my state's capital city (!!), and I've always heard that the Red Dog is a characterful place to visit. I sure want to go there. It may be the next place I want to visit.

Backups? We don’t need no stinking ba #.’  _ ,    J

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