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Anyone used the Panasonic PV-GS70?


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I'm shopping for my first video camera, in about the $1000

dollars price range. I know this is a 3-chip camera, and that

attracts me. But I'm wondering about overall performance, esp in

lower light. Has anyone used it or seen a professional review of it




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I have the similar but better model, PV-DV953. Both of these models reputedly perform poorly in low light. I often see the PV-DV852 (1 CCD) recommended instead under such conditions. I can not verify this claim because I have not compared them, neither do I have any baseline (I'm only on my second video camera). I can say that there is a certain amount of noise, much like how faster films have more pronounced grain.


What really impressed me about the PV-DV953 is that the controls are generally in the right place. You do not have to enter any menu to control the white balance, for example. It also happens to have 3 MP still picture capability, but the quality is rather poor. Overall I would say I am happy with my camcorder. My only gripe this is that is has too much depth of field (same as any consumer digital camera).

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