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Photoshop Takes Forever "Sorting Font List"

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Hello All, I tried finding some references to this here and

elsewhere on the net with little success. Maybe someone else has run

into it. I'm running Photoshop 7.0 on a P4 Dell with XP Pro. It used

to just take a few seconds to load PS, but about a week ago, I

noticed it taking longer. As PS loads, it (sort of) tells you what

it's doing, and when it gets to "Sorting Font List", that's where

the problem is. Today, it took over 2 minutes to load; CPU

utilization is at 100 percent while this happens. I've tried the

obvious: Deleting the PS init file; deleting the font list file; (PS

recreates both when missing upon startup) I've moved all the fonts

out of the font folder to see if there's one it doesn't like; I've

removed all extraneous plug-ins from the plug-in folder. I'm fine on

disk space on all drives. Once it loads, it's fine - it just seems

to take longer and longer each time. I have not installed *any*

software lately, and really maybe less than 5 apps *ever* on this

machine, so I haven't introduced any new fonts. Anyone have any

ideas?? Thanks much in advance!!

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Beau...Does any other big prog like word or any big Adobe product like InDesign load slow?<p> If those are ok I'd check that my hard drive was not full & that it were defragged. Then I'd check that you still had your scratch disk. Next I'd reset all my preferences. If that didn't work I'd just say to heck with it and uninstall <i>all</i> of it then reinstall it.
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Thanks, Jim! All my disks are fine as far as space goes - I defrag every night, I've reset all my preferences and the only other app I've got on the machine is MS Word (it came with the PC) and it's fine. I've kept other software off this machine so I'd avoid things like this - I guess that didn't help! Yeah, I'm pretty much resigned to a re-install. What's weird is that it works - it's just taking longer and longer to load each time. I'm scared to close it now - I've got work backed up - because next time, it might take 10 minutes! I've never used any of my call incidents with Adobe, so I might give them a ring and see if they can pull a rabbit out of the hat. Anyhow, thanks for trying! Best wishes . . .
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Beau...only other thing I can think of is to go to the rather good

<a href="http://tinyurl.com/9a4q"><b>PhotoShop Users Forum</b></a>...(even if only to root around). I hope you don't end up with Dell saying it's Adobe's fault and Adobe saying it's Dell's...I just went through that with a video card / monitor setup. I ended up spending more on tech support's long distance calls then the damn card cost...me sad!

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It sounds like one of your font files has been corrupted in some way. I have also seen this problem when you have too many font files, but that is unlikely in this case. Try making a new directory and moving all (or nearly all ) of your font files to it. If that ends the problem, then move font files back a few at a time and see if the problem is associated with a particular font file.


Good Luck!

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Purely palliative, but you can always place a "~" before FONTS in the Adobe folder and they won't load at all. I did this when I upgraded to 7, and it makes a noticeable difference starting up. But in your case, at the rate things are going, it might keep you from going bald. At least for now. ; )
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Thanks everyone! Giampiero, the only thing I've installed in recent weeks was 2 plugins - Focalblade and Neatimage - both of which I've removed to see if they were the culprit with no luck. No other apps have been on it - it just started doing it! I thought about System Restore, Jim - but I noticed it a little too late and don't have a restore point that goes back far enough. That's a neat trick about using the tilde' (~) in front of the font, Jeremy - I wish I'd thought of that - but I did remove all the fonts (in several steps) but the dang thing just keeps doing it anyway. MS Word has no problems with any of the fonts, but it is suspicious that it hangs during that part of the startup. And it will start - last night it took almost 5 minutes and it seems to get longer each time; but once it's up, it seems fine. Oh well, sounds like I'll be talking to Adobe today!! Thanks everyone! Best wishes . . .
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I'm really not quite sure!! I suspect that it's a configuration file that Photoshop reads during startup which probably contains pointers to all of the font files PS uses. (I could be wrong about this - just a guess!!) PS doesn't bat an eye when you delete them, though - it just makes new ones. Apparently, for whatever reason, these files can swell up and that's what was taking the program so long to load. These instructions were given to me by Adobe technical support, but the guy really didn't explain what the files did. Best wishes . . .
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