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What to do about small fungus...


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I have a nice 1911 Voigtlander Heliar No. 7, 16-1/2" with one small

spot of fungus inbetween the rear (I assume) element pair. I am not

worried about it affecting the optics (much) but I would not want it

to spread and ruin the lens. Is there an outfit that specializes in

cleaning up lenses of this vintage? It is in aluminium barrel and I

cannot by hand disassemble it. It may prove welded with corrosion

though there is no outward indicator of this.


I am seeking recommendations from you experienced men (or women).


John D Gerndt


OH, if anyone knows, what may be the coverage of this lens. I have

only had it mounted to a 8x10.

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1. Know for sure what it is!

2. If it's fungus, kill it with UV rays (energysaving UV bulb, I'm treating a lens right now)

3. Keep it dry! Use plastic bags with fresh silica gel.


Consider to send it off to a pro, like S. Grimes.


If you live in a humid area, consider purchase an automatic dryer cabinet to protect your lenses.





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