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Photo Opportunities in Page, AZ Area


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I will be spending some time in the Page, AZ area in early October.

Am already planning on visiting Antelope Canyon, Water Holes Canyon,

Horeshoe Bend, Tatahatso Point, hiking to Cobra Arch, and possibly

hiking into Buckskin Gulch a short way and retracing. Regrettably,

Coyote Buttes North is booked until December.


I am sure many of you have some favorites that I have not mentioned.

I have a slot for a day hike of about 6-8 hours, and some 2-3 hour

time periods that favor easy access. Any suggestions on areas with

good photo opportunities would be appreciated.


We will have a four wheel drive vehicle at our disposal, and are

intermediate to experienced hikers.

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Watch your horizons! They are not always horizontal due to the

uplift of the Kaibab Plateau (which caused the downcutting of the

Colorado to form the Grand Canyon). This effect is particularly

strange around Lake Mead which acts like a large spirit level to

the senses.

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Just north of Page, there is a small town called Big Water. East of Big Water there are a series of 4WD roads that take you into Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and the Grand-Staircase Escalante NM. One place fairly easy to get to is Romana Mesa on the north side of the lake. From there you can get pictures of Lake Powell and Gunsight Butte. If you have access to a boat, you can go to Rainbow Bridge NM, and camp on a beach for some solitude.
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