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Which camera


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I have decided to take the plung and get a DSLR (not sure which

one). I also plan to get one cheapo film body to use as a backup

that can share lenses with the DSLR.


Here is my question. I would like one film camera to supplement

this DSLR/Film SLR combo. I do not care if it uses batteries or

non, but it has to have the following features:


35mm film only

I dont care if it has auto exposure/ Aperatur P/ Shutter P, but if

so it has to have exposure lock capability.

Fast lens (2.8 or better minimum)

ISO range broad enough to use slow slide film to very fast B&W (1600-

3200 preferrably). DX is ok but have to be able to override.

Not too big (actually the smaller the better)

A focus aid (I have a Rollei 35 and while the prefect camera in all

other respects, guess focusing in avaliable light sucks).

Compatable with IR film


Oh yeah.. I love the idea of a leica, but way too much money. This

needs to be cheap. I have a Canon GIII QL17 and I love it but max

ISO 800 and no AP or meter in manual suck.

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Nikon D100 and N80. Similar enough in design / control layout that you can switch back and forth without much trouble. Put whatever lenses you want on them, but if you buy the newest 'DX' lenses they won't work well on the film body (DX has a smaller image circle). The 17-35 f/2.8 is a solid pro-grade wide-normal for the Digital camera and an ultra-wide zoom for the film body.
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