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AF-S lens? Novice's question.


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The "S" lenses have the focus motor built into the lens. Nikon calls it a Silent Wave motor and incorporates it into some of their high end lenses. With non "S" lenses the focus is driven through a shaft linkage to a motor in the camera body. All AF bodies will work with either type of lens.<p>

"S" lenses will focus faster and quieter than non "S" lenses but they tend to be a bit heavier.

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"S" in AF-S stands for "Silent Wave", Nikon's trade name for a particular type of focus motor built into the lens. Other than AF-S, Nikon also has AF-I, AF, AF-D auto focuses lenses. AF-I is very similar to AF-S, but with a different type of motor built into the lens. AF and AF-D do not have their own motos, instead they focuses with a motor sequestered inside the camera body.
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