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what a crusty bunch!! i stated the final guidelines very clearly in

my earlier thread: any type of print goes so long as it's a high

quality archival -- i.e. gallery acceptible -- type print. if you

want to use an inkjet print, 20# epson bond will not do. invest in a

small quantity of arches or similar. try it, you'll like it!!


i have received a flood of additional names at the email posted in my

previous thread. all the names have been added to the first group.

off-hand i'd say we are edging up to between thirty and forty

people. i will continue to receive new names at that address until

sat nite when i'll post the pairings/methodology (i've chosen

something very simple based on alphabetical order).



TO THEM ALL INDIVIDUALLY! everyone will be added to the list. have

no fear.


talk to you on saturday!!

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After this swap you may want to reconsider this post be Jim Kish:


"Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I suggest you contact Kevin Bourque from the LF forum about such an idea.


We tried it, with abysmal results. Mostly, it's a PITA for the organizer, but my experience was that I sent out 20 prints during the course of the swap, got roughly half that from others (the other half never sent anything), and most of those went into the circular file."

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<p>For those who missed it in <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=005xGO">Roger's

original thread</a>: </p>


<i><p>". . . let's say any form of print, as long as it's on quality archival paper. for ink jet prints, this really has to mean something more than a 5 cent piece of epson paper. high quality, high cotton content, heavy-heavy french and german papers are available at even office supply houses these days, let alone any photo store. it wouldn't be fair to swap silver/fiber prints for an inkjet print on 20# bond.</p>


<p>but let's stick with black and white if that's ok. anybody else is free to organize a color/mixed print swap.</p>


<p> -- roger michel Photo.net Hero, September 09, 2003; 03:37 P.M. Eastern "</p></i>


<p>That, plus the original proposal means it's a <b>1-for-1</b> swap (based on Roger's scientific, supercalifragilisticexpialidotious (sp?), to-be-explained-later pairing method), not 20-for-20 or 40-for-40; but still high-quality, archival (loosely defined) <b>B&W</b> good stuff - a print we'd want our names associated with in public. (I'm confident that anyone who sends a dot-matrix print on greenbar paper will be "outed" in the most evil of ways. ;-) ) </p>

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I appreciate your idea and efforts but I think the perameters are too limited. It's kind of like the F/64 Group: glossy sharp prints only...(archival was not a big deal back then!)...no one knew about that!


Much of my current photography involves ink-jet using paper with flowers and leave pressed in the fiber, heavy textures, color stock varieties (exotic banana and tobacco ink jet papers), and so on...resulting in one-of-a-kind prints.


I guess that this is not "photography" in the strict sense of the term and I can not guarantee the archival quality.


Best wishes on your project.

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