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EOS Film Camera & Sigma 15 - 30


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I tried this lens for a few days on a D30, 1D, Elan IIe, and EOS 5.


The AF snapped right in locking on out of focus every time. I sent it back. I suggest you shoot a test chart or some pattern that can show high definition and check for the detail. Then check AF and manual focus accuracy. Hope you got a better one than I got.

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I borrowed a 15-30 for a few weeks to test on my EOS-3. AF was good. The color balance was very warm. Colors were pretty saturated. The one thing which let it down was the sharpness. Center sharpness was OK, comparable to the 20-35 USM, but towards the edges the sharpness dropped. Points towards the periphery appeared squished out (smeared?). I wouldn't use this lens on a full frame SLR. On the whole, the Canon 20-35USM is a far better performer unless I *have* to have the 15mm.
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>> "I have read lots of reviews and they all seem to be mediocre on film cameras and great for digital bodies".


The reason for this is simple. It's because this lens was specifically designed to work best with non-full-frame bodies (read: most DSLRs). The DG (read: digital) in it's name says so. It's designers scarified edge performance in order to reduce manufacturing costs, thus lowering its price for the final customer - you. When you use it like it was intended (i.e. with a non-full-frame DSLR), you get only the benefits - low price and good center performance - without suffering from its disadvantages.


But all this technicalities are not really important. You use it with a full-frame body. You like it ("the great Sigma"). Go out, shoot and have fun.


Happy shooting ,


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Sorry Yakim, what you say sounds good in theory but it is just not true in the real world. My 15-30 and my EOS 3 work wonderfully together. I rarely shoot the lens wide open as it is a landscape lens for me, but stopped down I get pin sharp pictures. It's a great lens for the money and doesn't give too much away to Canon's 17-40. Only annoying thing, can't really front mount filters without a lot of hassle and AF is typical Sigma sloooow.
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