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Pentax MZ-5N and MZ-6 (ZX-L) dilema


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Hi Guys, I've been looking at a AF replacement for my aging MZ-M in a

few months time.


At first, I'd definitely go for my favourite 5N for its retro design, simple

handling (means less things can go wrong), mid-pro spec and that TIPA

award. But I just learnt that it's "going.. going .. gone!" out of production.

You can only find it in some well stock retaillers - if only you look really

really hard.


Then I found that lovely MZ-6 - quite compatible but not that close. It

comes with novice specs and added hi-tech bell and wristles. Don't get

me wrong I'm also a computer geek/nerd myself, I'm not against those

electronic chips, but I'd rather not have too many on my 'reliable'



You see what I'm getting at here. Is it worth for me to start scouring for

that rare 5N model or should I be able to live with slightly less specs but

plenty of hi-tech toys to play with on MZ-6.


Any suggestion at all is welcome ;) By the way, I'm not interested in *ist.

Only its design alone just well put me off - far off.

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I've had a MZ-5n for about 18 months now. My last 35mm slr was back quite a few years, so I was looking for a traditional layout. I've shot an embarrassingly low number of films with this camera, because I'm tied up working on a large backlog of scans. My impressions: it's a very comfortable camera, with conventional controls that are well placed and logical. The auto-focus seems to "hunt" at times, but it's documented in the manual, and suggestions are given on how to avoid this behaviour. This is my first auto-focus camera. I purchased the body and coupled it with (just) a Pentax 50mm f1.4 lens, and have been quite satisfied with this combo, though I really need to get some more film and start shooting.


As to the MZ-6: looking at the Pentax site info, it's hard to tell how the controls are setup, the spec's don't really say (or I'm not looking hard enough). I assume more through the lens and lcd display of aperture and shutter speed settings is the case. There doesn't appear to be a shutter speed dial on top, looking at the picture.


I'm sure you've researched both. I'd say (if you can find the MZ-5n), get them both in hand and see how they feel.

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<p>I suppose the general consensus is they're more or less capable of the same

results, but it's just the layout and feel which is a bit different. I've got

a 5n and I prefer it to the 6, and maybe it's just me, but the 5n comes across

as slightly more durable. The 6 has advantages- a max shutter speed of 1/4000

(doesn't bother me because I never find myself shooting that fast anyway, but

you yourself have to decide how important it is to you); also the IR remote

(which I figure would be a lot more convenient than using a cable switch). </p>

<p>But on the 6 I don't like the automatic exposure settings (portrait/flower/landscape..

it comes across as more of a consumer feature). The 5n on the other hand is

reasonably well-planned, with the a dial or button for each feature, and superficially,

it's quite a pretty camera (to me anyway). </p>

<p>If you want my (humble) opinion, look for the 5n or the MZ-3 (which is a 5n

essentially, but beefed up). Also, if you're not neurotic about 2nd hand equipment,

try Ebay. Search for "pentax 5n" and you'll probably see one or two

5n's (watch listings, you'll see a new one probably every fortnight)..and searching

for "pentax mz 3" there's one on sale right now (seldom on Ebay though).


<p>Also, you might find some useful information through the <a href="http://www.pdml.net/dbrewer/p2.html%20">Pentax

Discussion Mailing List</a> (high volume though, be advised, but everyone's

generally helpful) . And a good place to start researching would be <a href="http://www.bdimitrov.de/kmp/">Boz's


<p>Good luck!</p>



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Stuff I forgot to add- If you've got a af360fgz flash, I heard you've got high speed sync and maybe wireless TTL (don't quote me on this), not so with the 5n. And also, the 5n lacks a multiple exposure function. But still.. I'm for the 5n or 3:)
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go the MZ-5n or even upscale to the new MZ-S. I have an MZ-5n and its just fantastic, have never had a moments trouble with it. i use it for all my jobs (i shoot everything from garden weddings to baby portraits to concerts with this camera) - light, versatile and very easy to use controls. one day I will buy an MZ-S but I definitely wont be trading my MZ-5n to get it! dont live with lower specs, scour for the MZ-5n.


regards, anna

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Hello Paramate.


My wife and I have the US MZ-5N (ZX-5N) and we have the ZX-7 which is a less full featured camera than the MZ-6 but very similar. Some general notes:


The ZX-5N has the brighter prism. If you shoot a lot manually I think this is the better camera. Also it certainly looks more professional than the ZX-6 if that is of any concern.


The ZX-7 has a very useful feature missing in the ZX-5N; the remote IR shutter release. I use this feature A LOT, especially when traveling. We use it a lot to set up self portraits when traveling especially the three second (hide the remote) setting. The IR release fits into the neckstrap so its not a bulky thing like the remote release used for the ZX-5N. I also like this IR when doing very long exposures, again because you don't have to touch the camera. If I had the ZX-6 (rather than the ZX-7 which lacks a Depth of view preview knob) it would likely be my main macro camera for the same reason (most of my macro work is at f16 or f22-long exposures).


Perhaps of minor concern, becaue of the prism the ZX-5N is a touch heavier.

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Hi.. Thanks y'all for the answers. I went to the PDML as suggested and found that there are lots of people who are pro-5N and interestingly fair amount of the pro-6 too. These two seems to be on debate for quite sometimes now.


As I noted earlier, I won't be able to effort the replacement for another few months or so and by then 5N may have actaully gone forever - the new one I meant.


I guess I could probably be able to convince myself that the 6 is not that bad after all - But, hopfully, there'll be something relessed after the *ist which is as solid as 5N. So help me God.

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It's (5n's) not as rare as you imagine methinks.. I was told in Singapore they'd been discontinued, but the truth is there just wasn't a reputable Pentax dealer around. Over here in Brisbane the bigger shops do stock them, but they're considerably more expensive than if you buy them online. It's a crying shame B&H or Adorama don't stock them anymore if you ask me, but there are still new ones on the net. Worse come to worst you can definitely buy online from Japan, only thing is you'll need a translator to understand those websites. In Japan they even stock the black versions of the 5n or the 3.. but good luck understanding it all. Anyhoo, good luck in general. Go for the 5n ;)
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