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Creating multiple folders on a CF card, on the fly


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I will be shooting (S2) multiple groups for immediate burning to CD,

on location (XP and Nero). It would be nice to make a new file on the

CF card when I get a new group (There will be 8 groups, 6 shots each,

512 IBM MicroDrive). I could then drag all files from each folder on

the card into a pre-named folder on the desktop (Group 1, Group 2,

etc) and add it to each CD's folder as required. Saves the preview

and file selection steps.<p>

I can't find anything in Fuji's manual... has anyone figured this

out, yet? Is it dependable, or just a good way to overload a CF card

and camera buffer?... t

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  • 2 months later...
I shoot event photos, mainly martial arts. The best system I've come up with is'nt what your wanting but it works. We catalog photos as the filled cards are downloaded and offer prints or cd's for sale on the spot. We acomplish this by storing photos in a new file with the competitors name on it and looking it up when they ask to see photos so its similar to what you're talking about. The way we identify the photos when cataloging them is the first photo the photographer takes when he moves on to a new ring is of the competitor name tags. When we download the photos we drag highlight the nametag and all photos following it up to the next name tag and drag and drop them into the new folder. I've found that Windows photo viewer works best for downloading because you can work with the files while its still in the process of downloading. For your purpose you might have to use a white board and write the group name on it, then snap a photo of it first to identify the group. If you don't need to name the groups but just want to separate them, I snap a photo of my foot to separate groups of photos. Sounds kind of goofy but it works and its simple. Ok, enough rambling on. Hope this helps.
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