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Ilex 5 shutter question


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One of my lenses is an older B&L 11 inch tessar 1c which came in a

refurbed ilex 5 shutter along with the 8x10 camera. i actually like

the lens for certain purposes, especially portraits because it has a

nice a little bit soft quality to it when used at f22 or above.

however, the ilex 5 shutter is the older style and does not have a

flash sync so i can't use the lens and shutter with a strobe. it's

a pain having people hold still for more than 1/2 a second so my

choices are:


1. do nothing and use it when i can based on light



2. have the lens put in another ilex V shutter with a flash sync


the lens itself is perfect and the shutter it's in is a little fast

but works fine. anyone have any ideas about finding an ilex V

shutter with a flash sync that works?


any thoughts you have re: this situation including other options,

would appreciate your comments.

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It would be worth a call, as Donald suggests, to see if SK Grimes has a shutter to swap.


Otherwise, there's open flash technique. Dim the ambient lights in the studio. Set the shutter on "B", open when ready, fire the strobes (you could use your flash meter for this purpose or you could make a simple pushbutton switch), close the shutter, replace darkslide, flip holder, lather, rinse, repeat.

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I installed flash sync on an Iles #5. It took a couple of evenings, and I needed a PC connector from an old 35mm, a small piece of copper clad printed circit card, and a contact out of a small Radio Shack relay. The only problem: I mounted the connector where it easily fit (the inside of the shutter is mostly open space) right in the way of the aperture lever! Easier to move the lever and scale than the connector.

I had another lens in Ilex #5 with sync to copy. If you wish, I can email you a scan of the result, with some comments.


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