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Mamiya 645 AFD flash sync

nikon geek

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I am in the market for a medium format camera, and I am pretty much

down to two cameras - the Mamiya RB67 pro-SD and the 645 AFD. The

AFD seems to be more practical for me, but from what I understand,

the maximum flash sync speed on the Mamiya 645 AFD is 1/125 sec. What

I need to know is if that is going to be fast enough for all-around

use and particularly for fill-flash (the RB has flash sync up to

1/400 sec. if I remember correctly). I am going to use the camera

for portrait as well as wedding photography, and may need to use fill

flash outside. Is there someone that has used the camera for these

purposes and can give me some knowledgeable feedback on this subject

(and maybe even a link to a website with pictures taken with their

645AFD? Thank you for your help!


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<p>You have several choices:</p>

<p>1. Live with 1/125 of a second flash sync. This may be too slow for action

shots especially (bride and groom running out of the church, walking in a

park, etc.) as you may get motion blur. For me, 1/250 is a minimum for any pro

gear because I mix flash and sunlight.</p>

<p>2. Check to see if you can use the Mamiya leaf shutter lenses with the

AFD. If you can, you can use these lenses up to 1/500 with flash. However,

you have to manually cock the shutter which will REALLY slow you down.

Additionally, you would be purchasing duplicate focal lengths to get the leaf


<p>3. Look at different systems. I don't know why you are only considering

Mamiya. The Hasselblad H1 is a 645 AF system that will flash sync up to 1/

800 of a second. However, you may have to mortgage the house to buy it.

Secondly, you can put a 645 magazine on a Hasselblad 6x6 camera if you

really want the rectangle, and the Hasselblad 6x6 lenses all have mechanical

leaf shutters which sync at 1/500. Finally, the Bronica ETRsi 645 camera uses

electronically controlled leaf shutter lenses also and offers TTL flash curcuitry

standard. It syncs up to 1/500, and is the system I chose for that reason.

Bronica stuff is rather inexpensive on eBay also. Hope that helps.</p>

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