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actual delivery date for CM cameras


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Here's a surprise, Jay. I often agree with the content of your comments, too, but I take exception to the manner in which you deliver them. Everyone you disagree with, or who makes a different choice than you is a wanker, a fondler, a snob, or a fool. Since you don't accuse anyone directly in your tirades, you apparently think you haven't made a 'personal attack.' But I'd bet everyone on the forum has been painted with one of your bilious verbal portraits at one time or another. I guess it's much more efficient to smear everyone rather than single out one or two people at a go.
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Jay said-


>> I don't think anyone will carry a CM who uses the M for the usual cliched reasons (which if you base on this forum is most people)such as fast interchangeable lenses, mechanical battery-independent, quiet cloth FP shutter, precise manual rangefinder focusing. <<


How do YOU know what "most people on this forum" do?

Also- when I used the term "backup" I didn't mean a seamless transition to the second camera, I was using it to mean taking a second choice along when you can't or don't want to take along the whole "M" or R2 kit. THOSE people know they'll lose the interchangeable lens feature. Sometimes you just can't bring along an interchangeable lens camera due to the rules in place, such as I just experienced two weeks ago at a NFL football game. Sometimes you want to take a shot of your kid on an apple-picking Saturday trip, and a compact will do just as well as a $6,000 M kit and it won't slow you down.





>> Who said anything about the 40mm lens? The CL is a compact backup that takes the users existing M lenses. <<


*I* said the 40mm lens. What? No one but The Jay can bring up a point? Let me explain it to you. I'll type slower <g>... When I meant that people "take along" the CL either WITH their "M" gear or without, they ususally take along the 40mm. Most don't choose to take the 90mm if they only take a "grab camera'. and, most CL users don't own the 28mm. That is why I'm using 40mm as a comparison to the CM's 40mm lens.


>> Even if the used price in a year is $500 it's more expensive than a brand-new Bessa R2.<<



A lot of people don't want a Bessa, they want another Leica. And see my explanation above for my definition of a compact take along first or second camera. That doesn't mean a full-size interchangeable lens body.


>> And a lot more can go wrong with it, more even than taking a chance on a $700 M4-2 that hasn't had a CLA recently. <<


Again, I wasn't talking about an "identical body" nor true "backup".


>> The point of a backup is that it should be at the ready when needed, and fill in for the main body. <<


That's what YOU call a backup, but as I said, there are many other reasons to bring a smaller camera as a backup or as a replacement for certain situations.

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