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9x12cm film


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I recently obtained a 9x12 Zeiss Ikon Press camera. And I am

wondering where I can find film for it. I have found (somewhere) on

this forum that 4x5in standard sheet film will not fit in the 9x12

camera and I would have to cut it (in complete darkness) to fit the

9x12. What other options do I have? Can I get a roll film back for

this camera? if yes, what would be the image size (6x9? 6x8?) and who

would make it? is there a standard on what boards could attach?

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i know that bergger used to make 9x12 sheet film, but, The Resource at MPW does not sell it any longer.


I've heard great things about Burgger, and i'd suggest persuing this route.


If anything keep this camera around! The zeiss press cameras are very cool collectors items, and if you are not interested in keeping it, find a home for it where it will be appreciated and cared for (like mine)



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Order from Europe; here in northern Europe 9x12 is the most common sheet film size, with 4x5" often being special order stuff. All the major film mfgs make film in this size, usually all sizes they have available in 4x5" are also available in 9x12.


9x12 is a bit smaller than 4x5" and thus they cannot use the same holders.

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9x12cm sheet film is still widely used in Germany and Europe. Strangely enough, this metric format is no longer popular in France (who invented the metric system) ; French LF aficionados now seem to swear by 4"x5" only ;-)


9x12cm film is standard from Agfa (soon : colour film only, Agfa B&W sheet film will be discontinued, this has been announced on this forum), Ilford and some Central European manufacturers (B&W only). Bergger (France) has also 9x12cm B&W sheet film on catalog.


Image size for a 9x12cm film is approx 84x114mm. Slightly bigger than a Polaroïd in film-pack (approx 75x95mm) but smaller than a 4"x5" for which image size is about 95x120mm ; check this discussion :





Cutting film in total darkness is feasible but cumbersome. As of 08-2003, 9x12cm sheet film is not yet that obsolete format for which you have to buy from a unique specialized dealer serving camera collectors. What is the future of this format, I do not know, but for now, I would recommend first to try and find a supplier of 9x12cm film in the US or to mail order it from Europe.

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Sheesh, people: 9x12 is <i>easily</i> available in the U.S., from <a href="http://www.jandcphotography.com/")<b>J&C Photo</b></a>. (Look under the "Centimeter Sheet Films" link.) They have Efke and Foma in 9x12. No need to deal with Europe. (Unless you happen to live there, of course.)

<p>And believe me, you <i>don't</i> want to mess around with cutting down 4x5 film.

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Yes David, J&C does have a couple of types of 9x12. It's like going through life in Schindler's List though. All B&W one speed, oatmeal AGAIN for breakfast. Then you find out in Europe there are dozens of types of 9x12 film and we can't get them here. Damn.


Well, I have just sent off my 9x12 film holders on loan, so I'll settle with my 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 single emulsion.


The other option for Dizzy is to find an adapter that slides in the back of his Zeiss Ikon and allows him to shoot 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 or find a rare 120 roll film adapter. I use the former and it's great.


tim in san jose (1930 Zeiss Trona)

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For now, J&C is enough for me, and something of a godsend since it simplifies one aspect of using these obsolete and wonderful cameras. I'm sure it will be quite a while before I exhaust the possibilities of Efke and Foma. By the way, when I'm ready for it, they also have Ektachrome in this size.

<p>You could get a 120 adapter for these cameras, but to me that would be a waste of the camera's capabilities; you might as well just get a 6x9 folder. (I've got one of those coming soon.)

<p>To use 3-1/4" x 4-1/4" film, all you need to do is get the proper holders. Kodak made them for their Recomar 33, which was a 9x12 camera. These holders fit any standard 9x12 camera but take the 3x4 film. I had 3 of them I got locally (from Graham Pilecki's antique camera shop in Albany: if you ever get over to the East Bay you ought to check it out), but sold them, cheap. Got 2 of the same kind of holders in 9x12 size from Craig Camera. The Kodak holders, by the way, are the nicest of all the ones I've found so far. They're combination plate and film holders, with different inserts from the usual European ones (Zeiss, Voigtlander, etc.). There's a mask which swings up, and you put the film into it, swing it down and latch it. <b>Much</b> easier to load in the dark.

<p>By the way, I've got a Trona (Ica) too; it only needs a new bellows to make it sing again. (I'm working on making my own replacements.) My favorite 9x12s (of the ones I have) are my Voigtländer Avus (w/Skopar) and my Zeiss Maximar (w/CZJ Tessar).

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I have always wanted to try the Voigtländer (with Skopia lens). I have heard many good things about it. I have a fair number of slide in type old single sheet/plate holders from Zeiss, Rodenstock, and some no names. I found that using a 3x4 spring back with standard graflex type double sided film holders though is much easier. The springback was a lucky EBay pickup as I thought I was getting something else. I was going to use it for a homemade 3x4 camera. It arrived, looked like it would slide into the Trona's back slots and did. It takes amazing pictures with that Tessar. And yes, I am getting use to only having 200 ASA film. Try it in W2D2+ at E.I. 160. Simply wonderful images.


Somehow I have managed to aquire three 3x4 cameras, all of which are capable of taking superior images. I have a Kalart Press with a 127 Raptar on it that's tack sharp, and a 3x4 speed graphic that I have mounted a 150/6.3 fujinon (as well as a couple of older barrel lens). Needless to say, I am indebted to J&C for carrying this obsolete film.


Best of luck with your Trona.


tim in san jose

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Whoa :) thank you all for your answers. I got a lot more than I expected!


I am in Europe right now, (turkey) so it would be of great help if someone can post contacts for euro mail-order companies that would carry 9x12 film or any kind of roll film adaptors for this camera.. I heard that rada, rollex and suydam used to make adaptors like these. Has anyone seen them around?

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I've bought some film from Monochrom (www.monochrom.com) who seem to carry a broad range and give exellent service. Also photoimpex.de and MACO (www.mahn.net) carry film.


I can't help you with the rollfilm adapters, though... I know there are some (saw one disappear before my nose on eb*y.de recently), but I use only sheet film in my Voigtländer Bergheil.

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