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any rapidwinder/leicavit users out there??

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As a left-eyed shooter, I used one of Tom's Rapidwinders with my classic M6 for almost two years. I really loved it! Then, I developed a staph infestion on the cornea of my left eye - - and after a year plus, I had to switch to right-eye shooting. The Rapidwinder has been on the shelf since, as I've not been able to learn how to shoot "right-eyed" and run the Rapidwinder. (Must be some crossed wires between the right half and left half what passes for my brain).


Regardless of previous posts, IMHO, the Rapidwinder contributed to the stability of the camera - - especially with 50 and 90 mm lenses.

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>>>Note to John. That Leicavit is now worth very big bucks. If you advertise it

you'll have people lining up to buy it. It is even rarer than the Barnack Leicavit.

I don't want to guess what you would get for it but can easily imagine that it

would run in the thousands of dollars. -- Alex Shishin , July 23, 2003; 03:21

P.M. Eastern <<<


Alex---Mine's a chrome user. I suppose it is worth more than the US$25.00 I

paid for it though. :->)

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Since, you asked, I have been using 'real' Leicavit- MPs on all my cameras since 1971. I had them adapted to my three M4s and three M6s, and kept the rapid load system. For the way I work with M cameras, they are excellent. I have one of Tom's Rapidwinders on my "spare" M2 and it is smooth and quiet. I have only played with the new Leicavit-M, but from what I've seen, great too. Happy Snaps,


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Im 100% with George B on this one.

<P>I dont mind the extra weight at all, in fact I think that, combined with the extra leverage at the heel of my hand, make the camera much more stable.

<P>The only time I dont have a rapidwinder attached is one of the rare times when I have the motor M on.

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