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Enlarger Durst 700... who knows about it ?

alberto pastorelli

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The manual for the M700 relates condenser sets to lens focal length rather than to format size:

Unicon 105: 100-105mm lenses, the standard condenser set;Unicon 85: 60, 75 and 80 mm lenses.

If you have the standard Unicom 105, it should be sufficient to do 6x7cm format. Assuming that you could find a Unicon 85 condenser set, there is no way to tell from the manual whether it adequately covers more than 6x6.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Randall, thank you for the answer. I have contacted Durst and they have sent to me the manual. They also no longer have replacements for this enlarger...and, unfortunately, my M700 is equipped with the Unicon 50 condenser, able to cover 24x36 only...

Is there anybody out there that can tell me where I can find the Unicom 105 or that want to sell it ?




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