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Nikon AF 70-210 D

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i also got a 5T diopter for it, but have yet to have time to try it out. this diopter takes you from 1:9.3 to 1:1.8 magnification rates.


the 6T will let you get 1:4.8 to 1:1.1 magnification rates


stacking 5T and 6T will get you from 1:3.2 to 1:0.82


all of this is from the charts provided with the 5T diopter. take care. i have also heard from people that KEH bargain grade lenses are still very much acceptable. i havent tried them out, but i am abuot to. they are usually significantly (30-50%) cheaper than ex+ lenses.

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interesting and confusing as it may seem, nobody above actually mentioned to you that there are two versions of 70-210AF lens from Nikon, older, bigger constant aperture f4 zoom and the newer, variable aperture consumer zoom. I believe you could get the constant aperture anywhere from 150-250 for a second hand lens and the variable aperture goes for about more or less than 100.

The poster above talking about macro with this lens is really talking about the constant aperture. Hope this helps

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The constant aperture version is very sharp and performs well wide open. It is the poor mans equivalent of the Nikon 80-210 F2.8 zooms. However, it has no tripod mount, and will put severe strain on a polycarbonate body when that is tripod mounted. The base of my F80 visibly warps. You might need a third party tripod mount.
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