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F3hp , sports viewfinder

jim mucklin

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I have one, but I don't use it as much as I thought I would. I generally shoot with two cameras, and after a few years of doing this I'm pretty adept at 'switching' cameras and getting the 2nd camera rapidly to my eye to shoot. The 'action finders' address so differently they interfere with this. My usual grip on a camera includes some face contact, I consider this part of the 'steadying' of the camera. With the action finder, I have trouble seeing the image clearly with my face in contact, I have to 'back off' a little (a nose?). I have also bumped my forehead a few times on the 'high corner' of the finder.


I don't shoot a lot of football. This might be 'the thing' for maintaining situational awareness so you don't get creamed on the sidelines. If you used it in the sun a lot, it would benefit from some kind of 'eyecup'. It has slots on the sides for some kind of accessory, and I think with a little work something like a generic 49mm rubber lensshade could be scavenged to be an eyecup.


I use mine for awkward shooting angles, like down in the carpet with kids. And of course I'll have it if I ever get the urge to sky-dive with a camera.........

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I use an F4 with the sportfinder for underwater, for exactly the

reason David mentioned. It's a lifesaver when you have to view

the finder through a mask and the u/w housing. Often times I

just leave it on even when shooting on land, only because I'm so

used to it. Only disadvantage is you lose matrix metering (center

and spot only).


Keep in mind that light leaking in from the view window will affect

your meter readings quite a bit if your face isn't up against it.

True on the F4 anyway, so presumably on the F3 too.

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