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4'x5" cake tin

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To any large-format gurus, I have a Universal back, with ground-

glass, fits Linhof d-d slides and Super Rolex back although upside

down, as the back only goes one-way to allow slide removal, and, in

that orientation, the gun-sight fold-ip viewer is on the other side

to the wind lever.


Attached to the "inside" ie. emulsion side of the film-

holder/viewer, is a flat machined adapter plate, rectangular to

circular, rivited to which is a circular sleeve, 165mm (6.5") by 70mm



It came with a Super Technica V, but is too large, and has no

mounting points to be a back-spacer for that camera, so I am very



It came in a box, the correct size I might add, that has Beseler

all over the lid, and a small label on the side that says "Beseler

Neg Carrier cat no 2040" but it certainly is not that. It looks

like it could be a copy attachment, but as I said, at 165mm, and a

plain finished edge like a cafe tin, I dont know what it fits. Oh,

and it is all either crackle or flat black.


Any thoughts appreciated, cheers, Doug in OZ

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