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MF-26 has a mind of its own. Any ideas?


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I have an N90s with an MF-26 back. Except when the back has brand new

batteries, it is pretty much unresponsive: the function, mode, and

select buttons don't respond. Over the weekend I was out in the field

and after changing film the back took over the camera: the lense

focuses itself, the camera's display shows "--" instead of anything

useful, and I'm unable to release the shutter. This has happened once

before, and only stopped when I removed the batteries.


I searched photo.net and found some old messages about a similar

problem, though none mentioned the inattentiveness of the back. One of

the messages suggested that there could be a problem with static

electricity, but I'm not sure if this is really the problem.


The camera and back were bought new about four and a half years ago.


Can anyone suggest what could be going on? I've cleaned the contacts

on both the back and the camera, but this hasn't appeared to help.


Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.

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The MF26 does weird things when the battery is low. Make sure that your "new" battery is actually new. I had that happen once and I thought the back was broken. Make sure the battery contacts are cleaned as well although at that current it shouldn't matter.
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<p>Thanks for the tips. The batteries were new from their pack as of about

three months ago. I assumed that they were suitably charged. I can replace

them again, but I had hoped the life of the batteries in the back would be a

bit longer.</p>


<p>Would the lack of battery power account for the Function and Mode

buttons being unresponsive? It almost seems like there is a short in one of

the contacts with the camera given the way the back seems to make the

camera go insane.</p>


<p>Maybe it's time to have a repair shop look at it, though I'd rather avoid

that cost if there is something simple. Anyone know of a service manual for

the MF-26?</p>



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If you're lucky it's just a matter of bad new batteries. I had mine for at least an year and they're still working. If there is a defect I'd just scrap it. By scrap it I mean list it on eBay with a full description of the problem and I'm sure somebody will pay at least $25 + shipping for it. I'd go then and buy another one from the same place. They go for about $75-$100 in perfect working condition.

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I have similar problems with MF-26. The batteries do have to be fresh and the contacts of the back and the body must be clean.


One thing I found to work well. When replacing batteries I let the MF-26 "rest" in between. I take the old batteries out, let the MF-26 completely discharge all residual chrge for about 30 seconds (it seems to have a small capacitor inside) and then install the fresh ones. With my MF-26 it works every time. After such a replacement I have about 6 month of perfect operation.

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