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EW-60 Lens Dismounting on 28-90 USM non FTM lens


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Help...I sometimes use a EW-60D hood on my 28-90 USM with an ELAN7e

but when I try to take it off, I hear this "awful racheting sound" as

the front of the lens (focus) turns "under strain" to dismount the

hood. The sound is the same as if you try to turn the focus ring when

the lens M/F switch is not set to manual. Of course, this lens does

not have the full time manual focus. My question is... have I or will

I ruin the lens if I continue to use this technique for taking the

hood off. Secondaryly, it appears that the only way around this is to

put the lens in "M" mode and let the focus ring go to the end of the

"scale" which then allows the force to detach the hood... is this the

"proper" method perhaps?



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You shouldn't move front part of lense (in case of 28-90mm this is also "focusing ring") since you will damage this lens. I'm still not sure if this would be some kind of tragedy compared to how "damaged" this lens is from begining already :) But anyway... switch to MF first then turn lens so you can hold it and unmount lens hood. If you will be doing this without switching to MF you might not have lens for long anymore.<br>

It's still not so sensitive as someone would like you to believe (they told me in shop that just little turn will damage motors, which is not completely true), but it's not really healty for lens for sure to do it like that.

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Yup. If you wonder why Canon chose such a user-unfriendly design: cost cutting. And how many buyers of the EF 28-90mm use a hood anyway? You many be one of the very few, Allan.<p>Fwiw, even the lowly EF 50mm f/1.8 has a non-rotating inner barrel, i.e. that problem's eliminated.
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I would set the lens to "M" when attaching or removing the hood, since the "awful racheting sound" can't be good. It is possible that you are the only 28-90 user who actually uses a lens hood. While I am not excusing Canon for lousy engineering on this, rest assured that attaching hoods on Canon's better made gear is not that problematic (even on a cheap lens like the 50mm f1.8 II).
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Thanks for the responses... I guess the "hood habit" came from my FD days and needs to be broken from what you are telling me. It would appear that any of the "cheaper" EOS lenses that don't have FTM will be a problem with hoods. Again thanks.
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I don't think this is a problem with primes without FTM, since they do not have rotating front elements. The 75-300 zooms have a clip-on type hood, whereby you simply pinch the hood at the appropriate spots and slip it on the lens (no rotating). Any other decent Canon zoom, that is currently sold new, has a real ring-type USM AF motor and a non-rotating front element. Since you are used to the build quality of your FD lenses, the 28-90 has to be a bit of a disapointment.

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<cite>I guess the "hood habit" came from my FD days and needs to be broken from what you are telling me.</cite>


<p>Oh no - don't stop using a hood! The hood habit is a very good habit to be in.</p>


<p>You may have noticed that the 28-90 is probably not as good a lens as the lenses from your FD days. So a better solution would be to save up for a better lens :-) Rest assured that the 24-85/3.5-4.5, 28-105/3.5-4.5, and 28-135/3.5-5.6 are sharper and faster, have better AF drive systems, and don't suffer from this hood problem. As others have pointed out, the dirty cheap and optically very good 50/1.8 is designed such that you don't risk ruining the lens simply by using the lens hood; ditto for the 50/1.4.</p>


<p>In the meantime, can you hold the focus ring still (preferably with the lens switched to MF) with one hand while dismounting the lens hood with the other?</p>

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As has been discussed else where... FD's were better "builds". As for trying to hold the focus ring while trying to dismount/mount the hood... it is very difficult since it is only a very small "sliver" and the hood makes it that much harder to get at.

Of course, it would be nice to replace all my FD stuff with a complete EOS system but my FD system is pretty good (includes canon 100mm macro, and an 85-300 zoom - almost L lens) plus a couple of bodies and other lens and flash. I am hoping to augment things with a 100-400 USM IS when I get some money... it appears that I will be in "split mode" for a few years to come...:-( but ultimately I do like canon stuff as it gives good service and pictures. I like the auto focus stuff now because my eye sight is not as good as it use to be including a "vision" hole in my master eye... so I now use my left instead. The 7e give me great pictures that I wouldn't necessarily get with my FD stuff although with a bit more setup time, both are great.

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