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Some Words: Everyday People


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A slight variant on the invitation to post No Words photos. A few

words on this photo: it is typical of many photos I take -- just

everyday shots of people in the family. In this case my wife and her

mom playing Kings in the Corner, a card game her mom was able to

still play after she had had a severe stroke. Two weeks after this

photo was taken, her mom died. While photos like this are invariably

cluttered with environmental background, they're what keep me

motivated as a photograher. Can't have too much family history. Do

you have any similar photo stories to share?<div>0059ez-12873084.jpg.be9861f26035fb7385de2fe0718573ff.jpg</div>

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Manu / Peter, glad to hear I'm not alone in this. It was a discussion in the LF forum <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0059VW"><u>Why do we take photographs?</u></a> that got me thinking about my motivation. Ultimately, for me, it's the people I live with and know personally. Capturing some moments of family and friends is my main motivator. The rest -- street photography, landscapes, misc -- is fun but ultimately not as meaningful.
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It's what got me started and keeps me at it. Some of my fondest memories as a young adult were when I would sit at the dining room table with my mother and the family albums. We would talk for hours about the memories the pictures brought back. I hope to be able to provide my children with the same gift of 'photographic memory'.<div>005A0x-12889484.jpg.5f26cc1095d13ebab35c6cd84adadf03.jpg</div>
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Hmm...I shoot very little, by photographers' standards. This is because I am very fussy about what I photograph. If it does not move me before pressing the shutter, I do not bother. Rarely do I think "maybe it will turn out good; I will take it just in case", but then I shoot for myself, so I have that flexibility.


I had an awkward incident with my grandmother some time ago. My father asked me to take a snap of them, so I obliged. She jokingly remarked "You can look at it when I am gone", and I struggled for a tactful reply. I failed, but at least the photo turned out great.

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