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Does anyone know?


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Is this forum being monitored by Leica? Does anyone noticed that the

Erwin Puts article on range finder flare is ceased and deceased?

photo.net used to be an official links from Leica but no more, why?


Big brother is watching you!

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Dear Leica,


I have been a very good boy, defending you whenever I could and praise you and your equipment diligently. Please send me the latest MP (the one without flare) this Chirstmas and I promise I will continue to do so for the coming years.



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I dont think that Leica would need to monitor any forums. Their market demographic is very conservative and their RF customer's needs are very predictable. The biggest changes in the last few years were incorporating AE/Aperture priority into the M6 TTL and launching the MP (which any 1950s Leica customer would be utterly comfortable with)


The other market is the collector market and they have nailed that one (without help from members of this forum) with all their 'specials'. (Yech!)


They hardly need to keep thir corporate finger 'on the pulse' of any forums like this to help influence future product design strategy!


Their (slightly) more mass 'consumer' oriented products like P&S and digital are really not used extensively by large numbers in this forum. (Even R users are pretty thin on the ground.)


They may find interesting such topics as reactions to competitors products like CV. But they cant respond at all in the CV market without losing a heap of money OR actually doing a Rollei and licensing CV to make a 'budget' Leica RF with a Leica specified lens! And that will NEVER happen(?)

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<I>Is this forum being monitored by Leica?</I><P>


If it was, then we would have a 75mm f/2-point-something lens from Leica. A small 75mm has made every "What would be your dream lens?" post for almost three years on this forum.<P>


C'mon Leica, test, test,... are you getting this?

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I once asked a question here about a Leica sponsored photo contest and got an e-mail reply from Leica customer service, so I suspect they may hand out here sometimes. If you had a job that allowed you to legitimatly surf the internet, would you? Half you people are probably at work right now!
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"If it was, then we would have a 75mm f/2-point-something lens from Leica. A small 75mm has made every "What would be your dream lens?" post for almost three years on this forum."


I think that in Leica's mind, the only justification for the 75mm focal length is that it's the longest f/1.4 they could make that doesn't obscure the viewfinder too badly. They probably see no point in a 75mm f/2, because in their minds, at least, it's not that much different from a 90 f/2. Maybe they don't realize that much of the appeal of a 75mm f/2, or f/2.4, or so, is that it could be made to be not much larger than a 50 (maybe just a little longer, assuming a tele design) and thus would be good for travel and ease of use for candids and so on.


So keep posting, and maybe they will take notice.

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