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Lesson of the week


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Photo.net is a wonderful place to share our images and to learn from

one another. The collective talent and knowledge represented here is

quite remarkable. We are given a Photograph of the Week, and now the

welcome addition of a Featured Presentation. Would Photo.net be

willing, and would its members be willing to add to these offerings

something along the lines of a Lesson of the Week?


As opposed to the POW this isn't something that could just be sprung

on a Photographer. They must be willing to take the time to explain

the technical and creative decisions that went into a chosen image.

And they must also be willing to respond to questions along the way. I

think this would offer a great opportunity for everyone to learn. Even

the featured Photographer may be offered an alternative approach than

the one chosen. It might also allow people who've chosen different

roads in photography to have a better understanding of each other. The

challenges presented by a top notch Photoshop composite, or a large

format B&W landscape for example.


Clearly this would be something that would need to be arranged with

the chosen photographer in advance allowing them to get their thoughts

together. And I think we should allow the photographer to choose the

image to be talked about. We all have images that were easier to

create, and images that were very difficult to create. The difficult

ones would probably be more interesting to discuss.



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Sounds like a great idea to me. What better way to learn than an open discussion of techniques, lighting, lens choices, etc. It may be a difficult proposition for some to withstand "constructive criticism" of their images, but any open dialogue would be interesting. POW has this potential as well, but oftentimes doesn't live up to it's potential, in part due to all of the "perfect" comments.
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I think the idea is a good one.


However the problem isn't getting readers, it's getting writers. It's also getting writters who are good photographers and can fully explain how and why they created an image, and it's getting not just one but 52 each year!


Then there's the problem of how you chose the image. People have egos. If they submit something that's not really very good, you have to tell them that and sometimes they don't like it. Also, if you don't have any good submissions, do you take one of the "not so good" ones.


So the idea is good and worthy of further consideration, but the logistics could be a problem.

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Hi Bob. Maybe we don't always need the most accomplished photographers? And maybe the photo doesn't always need to be spectacular? It's possible that these lessons could go both ways. If a photographer were to post an image with a good explanation of the technical and creative decision they've made, we may find people willing to suggest a better way. Or several!


There could a link on the home page asking for volunteers to submit images they would like to discuss. The elves could review them and pick the images they feel may offer the most interest. More work for the elves! :-) And maybe the images are switched every 2 weeks.


Of course I have no way of knowing what the response would be to this. Quite possibly the same response this question received. :-)


Thanks to everyone who did respond.

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